Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Or maybe we just pass by each other a couple of times ago the first week in the hallways of the building since we are at the same faculty.

As I was busy with my own thoughts I didn't notice a guy join me inside the elevator. I only notice him the moment he went out when the elevator door opened at the 3rd level of the building.

I only saw his slightly curly jet-black hair and broad back. He was rushing, so maybe he also have to attend his first morning class.

I just shook my head and press the close button. Looks like I'm the only one who's not really in the mood to rush myself just to attend class and I thank my first morning professor, since he's always 10 minutes late no matter what day it is.

When I finally reach the 5th floor, I got out and casually walk towards our class. I look through the window to see who else are already there and silently step in.

There are already a few of my classmates who are always early, chatting and laughing with each other but one particular early bird caught my attention.

I didn't expect that she will be here earlier than me but I found her sleeping using her left arm as pillow on the table while siting in her usual seat. I slowly approach her and silently pull my seat without disturbing her.

I carefully sat down then mimic her position facing her. I look at her face examining it.

She didn't wear any heavy make-up today but a more natural look. There's no mascara but her beautiful lashes are still long. I saw a little blush on her cute cheeks since her cheeks are already naturally pinkish. Then a light pink lipstick just to give a little color to her sweet lips. I call it the Perfect Look, my favorite. Since it's a very rare look.

She didn't even tried to style her hair and just let it flow and curl naturally on its own. Maybe she was feeling lazy and didn't bother to make her look today, extravagant.

I took out the thing she told me to bring and pointed it at her face as her eyes were slowly fluttering until they are already looking straight at mine. A smile was shown when she finally realize I already arrive.

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty." I said with a click and capture a picture of her just woke up face.

Her eyes quickly widen when she realize what I just done. She then trying to snatch my camera from me but failing until she finally gave up and all she can do was glare at me.

I look at the screen of my camera then saw that I capture a good photo of her beautiful face. Now I'm really not going to show it to her because I know she will delete it no matter what.

She will non-stop tell me she looks fat in it but in reality she's so thin that I sometimes trick her just to eat more food once in a while.

"Or more like a witch." I teaser her still looking at the camera. A beautiful and talented cute witch.

"If I look like a witch then delete it!" She said having her arms cross in front of her chest still glaring at me. She looks more beautiful when angry...

"Nah ah, I'll rather keep it for future purposes." I took out the SD card then put it on my pocket grinning at her.

"Yeah, a black-mail." She roll her eyes at me then arrange herself and seat properly as our professor finally arrive.

I held out my palm and she look at it, confuse. I didn't said anything until she finally understand what I'm trying to tell her.

She took out her own SD card then angrily gave it to me without looking at my face. And I just took it while smiling, looking at her irritated expression. "Thaaaaank you."


Cute as always...


Thank you for reading kab~

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