Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

I went to different spots of the cafe while P'Kim tailing behind me. I kept in mind that the clips must capture the personality and uniqueness of the cafe, so I recorded a few shots with different angles and perspectives.

P'Kim was a good companion since he also have an eye for aesthetics. But sometimes I can feel him holding back a little and slightly nervous.

He shared his opinion regarding which scenes must be film on certain areas and where will the cameras be placed to assess the perspectives of the main characters while also advertising the cafe itself.

And with his help I feel like I got good collection of clips that will totally earn me an excellent grade for my midterm project. I can't fathom why he said he wouldn't be much help to me.

I wrote all his advice and my own insights on a small notebook that I personally provided for the production. Since this is my first big project, I don't want to accidentally ruin it.

"And lastly the entrance." I handover the notebook to him before pressing the record button while marching towards the direction of the entrance so I can take a video of it's view from the inside. "Do you often come here, P?"

I was confuse when P'Kim didn't answer my question. He was only following behind me and when I turn around to face him, he was just standing, deep in his own thoughts. He was so quiet that I start to wonder if the question I asked was wrong or misleading. "P'Kim?"

"Huh? Uh no... I only visit when I felt like it or just passing by." He shook his head after he finally realized I'm talking to him before answering."Do you?" I nodded wondering...

We already spoke to each other a couple of times so why does he suddenly felt distant after hearing my question? Is it too personal? Maybe because we really just met a couple of days ago and don't have any wider idea who each other is. If so, I'll try to get to know him more.

"Kab, it became my usual place, my escape from the harsh reality..." I intentionally exagerized my words hoping to get his full attention. "So I'm mostly here."

"Don't you prefer resting at your own dorm room than here?" Before answering his question I lead him to a vacant table near the counter where all the tasty looking cakes were placed for every customer to see. And as an answer I zoom-in the camera at my lover.

The Chocolate Mousse Cake.

"That is my reason." He looked at me somewhat confuse but based on the smile that slowly forming on his face, he found my answer quite amusing.

"They don't usually serve that right?" P'Kim asked.

I pouted before answering. "Sad to say, yes. Almost everyday it's such a pity that they only serve the Chocolate Mousse Cake on random days..." I lean back on my seat before continuing. "... sometimes a week has already pass by and still no sign of my cake."

"Your cake?"

"Yes MY cake, do you have a problem with that?" I stared at him with piercing eyes and He instantly held up both of his hands, as if surrendering.

"Noooo of course not, it's just that. Don't you find it frustrating? You came here for it but since it's unavailable, you didn't get the chance to eat it." I shook my head and sigh.

"No, I'm just happy that they have it when I most needed it." I didn't meant to say it that way so I hope he didn't gave it much thought.

"I know what you mean." This time he gave me a warm reassuring smile. "Sometimes we just need the comfort of sweets to feel better."

Slowly the distant feeling I felt earlier was slowly disappearing and the P'Kim I know is coming back.

There was a moment of silent between us that I decided to break by waving at the male waiter so I can give my order. When he noticed me, he happily went to our table.

"The special?" Mr. waiter asked and I nodded before saying my thanks then he looked at P'Kim asking the same question but with a wider smile.

I personally felt bad whenever I forget the names of the staff here. I always tried to remember each name but it always slips my mind. I humbly apologize for being such a horrible customer.

"No P'Newwie, just the usual is fine." P'Kim copied the way P'Newwie smiled at him, then P'Newwie softly excused himself so he can take the order to the counter.

When we received our desserts I grabbed my camera and took several shots of it while P'Kim endulge himself to his Mango Graham shake.

When I was satisfied with the outcome of the pictures, I took a bite of my cake. Mmm I love how the taste and aroma never changes, it still the same like the first time I meet her (Chocolate Moose Cake).

"Have you already tried this, P?" I pointed my fork at the cake.

P'Kim shooked his head while continuing to sip on his shake. Won't he get a brain freeze from drinking it straight? "No, since it's always sold out."

Poor P'Kim he haven't experienced the magnificent taste of this work of art. And I swear I'm not exaggerating...

I took a small slice and casually offered it to P'Kim. "Here, P" At first, he was just staring at it, not moving from his seat. "Come on, P. Taste it! I swear you won't regret it."

His ears were slowly turning red as he unusually scanned our surroundings and weirdly cough before slowly leaning in. "If you say so."

I couldn't help but chuckle a little. Why is he trying to act cool? What's with his cute reaction? Did I made him flustered? Wait did I called a man, cute?

I tried to brush off all those thoughts before asking. "Heavenly right?"

"Angelic even." He answered as if he's in a trance looking straight at me.

"Told you~ but since this is mine. Go order yours, P'Kim. My treat!" Before he can protest I called P'Newwie and told him to serve another slice of cake for P'Kim.

"Certainly, Sir."

P'Newwie momentarily glanced at P'Kim, maybe waiting for more possible additional orders. When P'Kim didn't said anything, P'Newwie excused himself to fetched the dessert.

I remembered P'Newwie's face and if I'm not mistaken he was also one of those waiters that I saw who were talking (more like teasing) to P'Kim last Tuesday. The one who brought him a Mango Graham Shake that day.

But am I the only one finding their interaction a little odd? 


Thanks for reading kab~

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