Impressing Her (Dr. Mario X F Wii Fit Trainer)

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   Requested by DameFlemmarde on Fanfiction

Author's Note: I had so many ideas for this fanfic, and so I put them all in one humorous piece!

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   On a normal day, Dr. Mario was dealing with his patients, mostly the smashers. He assisted them with any problem, especially things like viral infections. But the most common ailments were the most avoidable ones. 

   "Aye doc, can you fix my teeth up for me?" Bowser asked in his office.

   "Why sure! What's troubling you old fri-"

   Bowser opened up his mouth and showed his plaque covered and cavity filled teeth, his blackened gums, whatever horrors that were in this fire-breathing turtle's colossus mouth. The doctor swore he saw a giant bug emerge from the murky depths of his throat.

   Just the sight alone made Dr. Mario nauseous. "M-mamma mia." 

   "Yeah, it's really bad. But can you help me with this problem? It's been killing me! I've been aching all over the place." 

   Dr. Mario sighed in defeat. "Yes." He led Bowser to his dentist office and endured the hellish nightmare that was cleaning his mouth.


You thought that was crazy? Oh no, Mario has dealt with a lot worse! He had to deal with horrible gashes, toys being wedged up the young smashers' noses, and being bombarded with questions by Peach in how to lose weight even though she was literally a pencil, and having to deal with broken bones due to horribly stupid stunts done by the teen smashers, most notably Dark Pit. All of this could easily be avoidable, but not many of the smashers really pay attention to their health and well-being like some westerners.

   Dr. Mario was the only person that could restore healthy order along the smasher in the mansion and that was his life ever since Melee. But things started to change when Master Hand introduced new Nintendo contestants to Smash 4, and one of them had similarities to him. 


   During his leisure, Dr. Mario would go to a cafe in Smashville to enjoy some warm tea and freshly baked cake to nibble on. He entered the store and sat at a table all by his lonesome. He typed away on his phone to talk with other fellow doctors on the internet or read a book, just to enjoy some peace and quiet from the others. 

   Yet, of course, he can't always escape their clutches. Next to his table was Ness and he was eating a whole chocolate cake all by himself. It was only one layer, but it didn't change the fact on how sugary inducing it could be, especially that it's chocolate and had all sorts of colorful frosting and sprinkles on it. Crumbles clustered on the table after each bite, there was frosting all over his cheeks. 

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