The Boxes (Snake X F Reader)

897 12 29

Requested by Tofuf-Tofu

Author's Note

I really had fun with this fanfic as this will be the last one, and so mind as well send it off with a bang. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! ^_^


___ was looking all around the mansion. She had checked every floor, but there was no sign of snake whatsoever, not even the other smashers could inform her of where he was. He was such a sneaky man, but this was a whole new level. 

   He hasn't been seen in two weeks. This was abnormal since he usually hangs out a few days a week. He didn't even say "goodbye" or "I'm gonna go out for a few days" or nothing like that. Just vanished.

   'Where had he gone now...?,' she thought as she headed back to her dorm, 'Could he be kidnapped? Could have Master Hand send him on a super secret mission?' 

   As soon as she reached her dorm, she saw there was a note pinned to her door. "What's this now?" She removed it from the pin and spotted the handwriting. 'I-It's Snake!,' she thought. She then furiously read the note:

Hello there, ___

I know you've been searching for me and worrying about me. But in order to find me, you have to go on a treasure hunt for me. Are you able to do that?

Well, hopefully, you are because I don't want to be cramped up in this place forever. My first hint is my location. It's the place you hate the most, possibly.

   She stuffed the note away in her pocket. "The place I hate the most...Oh, that's right! The gym!" Before she knew it she was dashing down the stairs to the gym. 

   As soon as she opened the double doors to the gym, all she could see was...boxes. Boxes, upon boxes, upon boxes were all in even rows along the floor. It didn't help that Gym was just colossal in size. 

   "Who in the world put these boxes here? And why are they so many of them?! Gah, I don't have time to process all of this." She ignored the boxes and looked around for any sign of a hint. Luckily, one the back of one of the doubled doors, she found a note. She took it off and began reading once more: 

Hello again, ___

I'm glad you were able to make it this far. I know what you're thinking when you stepped inside this gym. What in the world are all these boxes are doing here? Well, this is just a challenge on how much you know me. A box is hiding another hint inside. That's all you need to know.

   The note fell out of her hands as they trembled. "I have to look through...All of these boxes for one damn hint?!" She looked upon the horde of boxes, her skin grew extremely paler than a pencil shading. "I-If this what it takes to get Snake back, then so be it!" 

   She went to the first box in the first row. She ripped the tape off, but as soon as she lifted the top, confetti blasted into her face. She yelped and then removed the confetti from her face. She looked inside the box to see a string attached to a can of confetti along with a note attached to it:

  Heh, like I would actually put the hint there. You have your head up your ass.   

   She picked up the note and shredded it to pieces. "Ugh, I'm gonna get him for this!" 

   She knew not to go for the second box in the first row after learning her lesson, and so she just chose a random box instead. She opened it, but it was only filled with styrofoam, even when she dumped it out, there was nothing.

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