Here, Fetch! (Isabelle X DH)

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Requested by Saloris321 on Fanfic


   Isabelle was only accompanied by the vast wilderness that surrounded her. The rustling of the trees and the birds chirping their unique, and individual calls created music for her ears. She tried to hum alongside said music as she kicked her legs in a jolly manner as she sat along the wooden dock. Her reflection in the water rippled when the end of her fishing rod bobbed in the water before suddenly sinking. 

   All of this was a piece of peace. All to herself. Calm and at ease. She smiled at the thought of no work for her day. No stress. No running back and forth and-


   The end of the rod sank into the water. 

   "I caught something!" Suddenly, her whole body shot with adrenaline and she jumped to her feet. She reeled in furiously, her hands making work of the string as it grew shorter and shorter and closer and closer. 

   Whatever fish was at the end of the line it pulled a good fight. Sometimes she even had to let go of the reel or she felt like it was going to break, telling by how the fishing rod was bending so steeply. But she wasn't going to let it win, she a had a bit of toughness too.

   And so she leaned back and used her weight to help pull on the rod. After a hard work of reeling, pulling, and adjusting, the fish seemed to get tired and she managed to reel it in. 

   When Isabelle rose the end of the string to the surface, it was just a tennis ball...but at the end of the tennis ball was a dog latching onto it with just its mouth, it's fur drenched at every inch. Its big round eyes latched onto hers and its tail began to wag. The water dripping from its tail splashed onto her and she giggled. "Hehe, Mr. Duckhunt!"

    The secretary gently placed him on the ground. Once he finally let go of the tennis ball, she unhooked the tennis ball from her fishing pole. "Now how did you get here?" 

    "I would be the one to explain all of this." Snake appeared amongst the bushes as if it's normal for him to do so.

   "M-Mr. Snake! You nearly frightened me to death!" She said and put her fishing rod away.

   "I'm supposed to be stealthy. I always practice."

   "Even little ol' me?" She pouted.

   He snickered and shook his head as he hanged it. "Tsk. You aren't that defenseless now. Besides that..." He turned to a serious demeanor. "I was playing fetch with Duckhunt until I accidentally threw it to too hard over here and it ended up in the lake, but he must have swum underwater THAT long to search for it. Cartoon dogs. What wonders."

    "Yes, yes, I know. Dogs will do anything for their balls, right, Duckhunt?" She smiled at him.

    The dog barked before shaking himself free of water. Isabelle giggled once more before shielding herself with her stubby hands. 

    Snake let out a groan of disgust when he shielded himself with his jacket. "Ugh, I never really liked it when they do that." He flapped his jacket, but it wasn't getting dry no time soon. His eyes landed on Duckhunt, then Isabelle, then back to Duckhunt. "Hm..How about you two play fetch together?"

   "Together? B-but I'm not that type of dog!" You could see Isabelle's cheek getting pink from all of that yellow fur. 

   "Oh c'mon, it'll be fun. You might find your instincts." Snake smirked as he picked up the ball and waved it in his hand. 

   "I have you know that-" She was then mesmerized by the swaying ball like it a hypnotizing clock along with Duckhunt.

   Snake moved the ball to his right and their eyes and body swayed in motion along with it. "You want it?" He moved the ball to his left and he laughed as he saw Isabelle's tail wag. "Well here, fetch!" He threw it like a football player, the ball nearly vanishing into the sky as it escalated into the air.

    Isabelle let out little high pitched barks as she ran towards the ball. At least she still had control over herself and ran only on two legs. Duckhunt had his tongue lolling out as he ran. Of course, using all leg power, he was faster than her. 

    The ball was thrown a great length amongst the trees. It was pretty much out of sight, and so the smell was their only guidance. Isabelle couldn't catch up since she eventually lost her breath. She bent over and help her hands against her knees as she panted. "I think I need to get out more." She said between pants.

   She then turned her head upwards. She only saw the top of the tree's canopy and the fragments of blue from the sky between the branches. Little sunlight shined onto her. 

   Isabelle knew at this point she was incredibly deep inside of the forest. There was no way she could smell her way back to the mansion. She let out high pitch whimpers as she wrapped her arms around herself.

   But then she felt something wet nudge her leg. "Eek!" She jumped a little but turned to see it was just Duckhunt. He had nudged her side with his snout. He had the ball in his mouth.

   "I see you fount your prize." She smiled weakly. She really wanted that ball, but it was better that he had it since it did claim ownership of it.

   Then a miracle happened. He placed the ball on the ground and used his nose to roll it over to her.

    Her little beady black eyes sparkled. "For me?"

   He shook his head up and down.

   She picked up the ball and snuggled it onto her face like a lost teddy bear. "Aw, what a sweetheart!"

   He let out a bark before saying, "You're welcome."

   "W-wait! This whole time you could talk?!" So surprised, her hair spiked up and threw the ball out of her hands and forgot all about it.

   "Indeed! I just wanted to see your reaction and my, a reaction I got!" He held his front paw to his face and snickered.

   She pouted. "You've nearly got me a heart attack. Twice!"

   "Haha, that's the best part!" 

   But then she smirked. "Oh yeah?" She kissed him on the nose. 

   He instantly froze. He then collapsed to the ground and played dead. He then shot back up as if lightning shocked him. "Ok, I change my mind! THAT was the best part!" 

   "Now you can remember that more than me freaking out." She winked.

   "I knew it! I knew you two would make a fine couple." Snake suddenly came from underneath a tree branch. He had the ball in his pocket. 

   "Mr. Snake! You plotted this the whole time?!" Isabelle said.

   "No. But I expected for you to get along, but you two were getting along alright." He smirked.

   "Well, she was the most amazing young b-, er...female dog I've ever encountered." Duckhunt shrugged. "She was nice and friendly."

   She was touched by his words and she placed a hand over her throbbing heart. "Aw, such a gentleman."

   "Perhaps you two can get to know each other more, huh? How about another round of fetch?" Snake took the ball from his pocket and waved it high in the air. 

   They both barked in anticipation.

   "But! This time I'm going to hide it. Wait thirty seconds and then may the hunt begin." He whistled before disappearing into the greenery.

   "I'll find it again with ease." He smirked at Isabelle.

   "Oh yeah? I may be nice and friendly, but I'm sure am competitive! Also, thirty-seconds already passed!" She quickly dashed into the greenery without warnings.

   Duckhunt could hear her yell "victory here I come". He shook his head. "Oh that gal, I love how she plays games." He soon joined the hunt as well.

The End 

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