The Future (Female Robin X Shulk)

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Requested by OakleafHeron on Fanfiction


   On one starry night, the smashers were assembling their blankets and food on top of a hill not too far away from the mansion. There was a meteor shower coming for them in just thirty minutes. A small portion just sat on top of the grass.

   Robin was late for the frenzy for she was awakened by all the commotions for the preparations. She wanted to sneak in a few extra z's, but the others kept knocking on her door, and so she had no choice but to come.

   When she got up there, the first thing in mind was who to sit with. Most of the fire emblem characters she grew to bond with were sitting on the ground. She couldn't afford to get her cloak dirty, and she's always sat with them and barely interacted with the other smashers. 

   She turned side to side to spot Shulk sitting by his lonesome on a blanket. He was another sword user and she didn't know much about him, so why not. It would be interesting to learn about him. 

  She went over to him and waved. "Hey Shulk, mind if I sit by you?"

  "No problem." He smiled and scooted over to give her some room. "I thought you'd come earlier than this."

   She eased herself onto the blanket. "No, I was going to sleep, but everyone kept bugging me to do so. The funny thing is is that it was some sort of a last second event. Nobody knew there was a meteor shower until this evening, I heard."

   "Yeah, sorry about that." He rubbed the back of his head.

   "Sorry about what?" Robin questioned. How could be responsible for this?

   "Well, during a late lunch, I had some a vision of the meteor shower. As soon as I saw I told everyone and they got into a frenzy of preparing for it." 

  "R-really? You have the power to read the future?" She didn't know he had possessed such a power. Long ago in the Fire Emblem Awakening realm, she thought she was the only one that she could see the future destruction of Ylisse and change it.

   "Yes, I can. I thought you knew this already." 

  Her cheeks reddened and she looked at the blanket. "N-no, no I didn't." She should have known by know. He was part of the roster ever since twenty-sixteen, almost four years ago! 'I really need to work on my social skills,' she thought, making her skin even redder. "I-I'm sorry."

   "No need to apologize." He smiled reassuringly, which eased her. "To be honest, not that many people noticed my existence until Smash, and so I get it."

   "Oh...Then how far can you see into the future?" She asked, getting back on topic.

   "I don't know my powers measures. Sometimes I see events happening in years and some in just a handful of seconds. No biggy."

   "Fascinating..." Robin slithered out a book from the deep depths of her robe pockets and used a feather to write down her observations.

   Shulk couldn't hold back a smile. It was cute at how curious she was. Nobody really took that much of an interest to him besides Snake, and so he didn't mind this "interview". He watched as her ink coated feather stroke the page, the old-fashioned writing tool dancing back and forth as she worked furiously.

   After she was done writing the last sentence, she looked at him and fired another question. "Can you control what you see in the future?"

   "Well, sometimes. Mostly for combat purposes, but they usually come at random and there is no way of stopping them." Shulk shifted uncomfortably on the blanket. There are times where he wished he didn't have this power. He could see horrible futures that he can do nothing about, only adding to his pessimistic world. He could see good fortune up ahead, but that only loses the surprise value. Yet, at least he could see wonders and share them with others.

   "Can you see my..." She was hesitant to ask, mainly because she didn't want to be seen as selfish. Her heart increases in pace and she looked down at the pages, hoping it will just be pushed to the side eventually and pretend it didn't happen.

   Yet, he answered it anyway. "I don't see any visions of your future...Although, I'll try, just for this time." He closed his eyes and concentrated.

   Robin scooted closer and patiently waited for his answer.

   A few minutes had passed, but all he saw was the darkness of his eyelids. "Sorry, I got nothing, Rob."

   Her hopes were dashed and she looked at the pages again in disappointment. "It's ok." She cleaned her feather and put it back into her pocket along with her book. "Let's just enjoy the shower."

   Tedious amounts of minutes of silence passed by and there were no signs. Some smashers began displaying their impatience and perhaps wondered if Shulk's vision was true. Some even started leaving.

   Yet after their long wait, white streaks appeared in the darkened sky. The meteorites finally came and they came by the thousands. For every one meteorite, a thirty replaced it.

   A few typical "oh" and "ah" came from the crowd. Some of the flying smashers even went high up in the air to try and chase them. They pretended to catch them as they whizzed by.

   Shulk and Robin took in the peaceful moment and watched without any words.

   Suddenly, Shulk gasped once he was entranced in a whole new world. He no longer saw the meteorites, the dark sky, the cliff, and the others except for Robin. But this wasn't the Robin he recognized. She wore a lovely dress white dress and she smiled at him. All he was able to see was her. Everything else was all blurred.

   "Shulk." She whispered as she placed her palm on his cheek. He shivered at her touch, yet it was oddly comforting, like as if this happened before. Then she called his name again, but with a fuller voice. Then again, and again, until she yelling at him and shaking him by the shoulder.

   He blinked and came crashing back down into reality. "W-what?"

   Robin was still shaking him. The real her. "Shulk! Shulk! Snap out of it!"

   "I-I'm ok, ok!" He told her and pried her hands off of him.

   "Was it a vision? If so was it about me?"

   "Both yes." He groaned as he rubbed his temple. The vision must have been so intense that his head was pounding.

   "What was it about?"

   "I...I don't know," he said.

   Again, she was disappointed. Her eyebrows furrowed and she cocked her head to the side. "Don't know?"

The stunning white dress. Her cupping his cheeks and being so sweet. What did it all mean? Then it hit him. "How and why?" He mumbled. He couldn't help but blush mildly after the realization.

   "Shulk," She whispered. Her concern now overshadowed her disappointment. What could he have a witness that made him question it? "Was it that horrible?"

   "No, it wasn't horrible." He reassured her.

   She eased herself, but she still wanted to know more. "So what was it?"

   He smirked and decided to toy with her. "I can't tell you or it won't come true."

   "J-just a small snippet?"

  "No, no, no! You have to wait." His smirked expanded and it only made her sour.

   "I'm serious, Shulk," Robin said in a harsh tone, although she couldn't be taken seriously with pink cheeks. She secretly enjoyed his charm.

   "Well, if you want to me to tell you about it, you have to hang out with me more."

   She crossed her arms. "Deal."

   "I promise, I won't disappoint you this time. Besides, we get to learn more about each other."

   "Well...I don't really 'hang out' in general." Robin thought about it more. She didn't interact that much with the others except for Chrom, Marth, and Lucina. 'Perhaps things can take an interesting turn', she thought. "I hope we have good meetings." She stretched out her arm and waited for a handshake.

   "Will do, Robin. Will do." Shulk shook her hand.

   With the rest of the night, they continued to enjoy the meteor shower and wondered what the future holds.

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