Something In Common (Lucina X M! Reader)

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Requested by daleketchup

Author's Note

 I do apologize for this being so late. I just started school and started a new book that I've been working on, and so I'm putting most of my attention on those two things.


   In the middle of the forest not too far away from the mansion, there lay a warrior sleeping amongst the tree stumps

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   In the middle of the forest not too far away from the mansion, there lay a warrior sleeping amongst the tree stumps. He had his head an back against the mossy bark. Yet, he didn't rest alone.

   He had his trusty sidekick right in front of him, his dragon. The dragon was quite lengthy and had a slim, noodle-like body. It was curled up in a loop, resting its head on its tail. It's white scales reflected the sun's ray, causing them to gleam like a rainbow. It had a dark green fur aligning its head all the way down to the edge of its tail.

  All was well and nothing didn't disturb their peace until suddenly, an envelope was summoned out of thin air. It swayed back and forth as it slowly descended like a leaf. It soon found itself plummeting into the warrior's mouth as he snored.

   He started choking on the paper, woke up, and spat it out. "Ah! Someone was strangling me-" He spotted the now wet envelope on the ground. "Oh, so that's what it was." He picked it up and wiped the dirt off of it. It was beige with a red wax seal of the super smash bros symbol. "It has my name on it..." He opened it and read it. "T-this is a dream come true!" 

   "C'mon, (dragon's name)!" He nudged the dragon on the side. 

   The creature yawned and stretched. It looked up at its owner with droopy eyes.

   "We got accepted! Let's go, let's go! We have to meet Master Hand!"

   The dragon's eyes shot wide open and it spread its wings. It fired into the air and speed off.

   "(Dragon's name), no! Come back!" ___ chased after it. "Don't get too excited now!"


Netherless, there was action going on in the smash mansion as well. There was always chaos running amock in the building, especially when more and more smashers filled the hallways for Smash Ultimate. 

   King K. Krool stole a barrel of bananas from Diddy Kong and Donkey Kong and was now being chased by them. Doctor Mario was still dealing with patients twenty-four seven of the day. Warrior was being flirtatious with Peach as ever, but all he earned was a nice slap to the face. The female and male pokemon trainer were having a battle in the gym down below while the Wii fit trainers were on the sidelines doing their daily exercises. Link, Toon Link, Breath of the Wild Link, and Young Link were all arguing who was the true Link.

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