Pool Time (Shulk X Lucina)

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Requested by Starbandit0390

Author's Note

My, my, shulk is having all the ladies. He's been shipped like three times now, along with Dark Pit! He must be one popular character, I tell you what.

Also, here is the image you wanted me to use in the scenario, Starbandit.

This image doesn't belong to me, it belongs to Darkness-Serum on DeviantArt

This image doesn't belong to me, it belongs to Darkness-Serum on DeviantArt

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   Winter kept activity slow and none existent. The smasher couldn't really play outside since the cold was just unbearable, they couldn't ski, they couldn't go out onto the beach to enjoy the sun, none of that.

   At least they had an imitation of a beach. An indoor pool could satisfy for their need for "motion in the ocean". Master Hand was rather generous in renovating the extra space in the gym into a nicely sized swimming pool. Rivaling the size of an Olympic pool even.

   The only problem was the location. Not that many smashers used the gym since they usually worked out on the battlefield. Hell, even some of them didn't even know there was a gym. It was buried deep within the second floor beneath the mansion.

   Such an unfortunate situation fell upon Shulk. He was wondering around the smash mansion wearing black swimming trunks and his sword along his back...Somehow. He just had no idea where the pool was.

   He was on the right floor, but not the right location. "Bloody hell, how long does it take to get to a pool." He turned his head vigorously, but then he spotted a familiar face leaning against the wall. 

   "You look like a lost child roaming a supermarket." Lucina snickered.

   "Hahaha, very funny, dear. Now can you please help me find a way to the pool, please?" 

   "Sure, 'child'." She giggled before walking to lead him the way.

   "I am no child. I especially don't look like one." 

   "Hm?" She looked him up and down. She could see his abs forming on his chest, his training over the past few months really paying off. The smooth and creamy skin was so mesmerizing, her eyes couldn't move on the spot. The warrior's face began to flush and she turned away.

   The brit smirked once he saw this and flashed her with a charming pose. "Admit it, you never have seen me like this before, huh?"

   She shielded her view from him with her hand, hiding her obvious smile spreading from ear to ear. "Oh shush! You're so dramatic!" 

   "Hehe, if you say so," he said. "Perhaps you can see me more like this if you were to join me in the pool." 

   "B-but I feel kind of scared of wearing my outfit..."

   "I'm sure it isn't that bad," Shulk said.

   "Are you sure?"

   "I'm positive. I'll be the first one to see ya and judge how it looks."

   "And you'll promise to be honest?"

   "I promise." He placed a hand over his heart.

   She sighed. "Alright then."


Shulk leaned against the wall of her dorm next to her door. He repeatedly tapped his sandaled foot along the floor as he waited for her. His patience had wearing thinner with each second. It's already been thirty minutes. 

   "It shouldn't take this long for a swimsuit..." He murmured to himself. Soon enough, he knocked against the door. "Lucy, are you alright-"

   Before he could knock again, the door swung open. A shy Lucina could be seen hiding behind it. "I'm sorry if that took so long. I had to make sure it was perfect. Are you ready to see?"

   He shook his head vigorously.

   "Heh, you're really excited to see, huh?" She giggled lightly before revealing herself infront of him. She wore a thin red bikini with straps as ribbons that were tied into bows. She had her a hand rubbing against her arm and having her legs crossed. "So, what do you think?"

   "I think it looks..." He trailed off, unable to choose a single word to describe it. Her standing there, cutely expressing her shyness, her revealing bikini, there needed too much more words. So much more.

    She sighed and rubbed the side of the door. "Shulk, honestly, I don't know what you see in me. I'm not that much of an eye candy compared to the other girls."

   "Lucy...It's what I don't see is what counts. Your bravery, head-strong, kindness and caring, and sheer might is what really impresses me. Your beauty is just a second thought."

   "A second thought?" She recoiled at the words.

   "N-not in a bad way! Of course, your looks matter in attraction, but over time, I adored your personality more."

   "Oh...Y'know, I think it's the same as well. I liked your British accent and those ocean blue eyes, but what I really was entranced by your goofy, adorkable self that I can relate too and grew fond of."

   "Hehe, are we gonna do more complimenting of each other or go swimming?" 

    She let out a light chuckle. "Yeah, I guess we were doing a fair share of talking." She then started walking with him, hand and hand. "When we get there, I want to hop inside as possible. No going down the stairs, no slipping into it, just a straight run and jump."

   "Woah, what's got you so eager?" Shulk asked.

   "I just hope the water is warm."

   "Warm?! Ew, that must feel nasty."

   "Oh, it isn't!" She nudged him playfully. "The hallways are colder than usual, and so having it warm would be nice."

    "Ah, I see. Because of that bikini, right?" He poked her in the stomach.

   She swatted away his hand. "I'm not a toy to be poked with, damnit!" She stomped her foot on the ground with a pout on her face, although she didn't mean it to be serious. "I swear, I'm gonna beat you!"

   "Oh? You gotta catch me if you can!" He then started dashing without warning.

   "I told you, you're such a child!" She yelled as she darted for him.

   The half-naked couple ran ramped along the hallways before eventually going to the pool.

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