Garden Wonders (Olimar X Reader)

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Requested by 696969withknuckles 


   The sun was being quite expressive today. It laid on the blue sky as clear as day and brighter than any star in the Milky Way, although its rays were gentle on the life below. The heat was bearable and a breeze occasionally accompanied it.

  For ___, it was the perfect time to do what they did best: gardening. They wore thick clothing and gloves and had all of their materials they needed. They opened the door to the house and took a deep breath of all the flowers that thrived in their soil. The flowers gently swayed to the breeze as each species was assorted in rows. All flushed and full of color.

   ____ couldn't think of where to start. So much to choose from, yet with so little time since they had to work in the Smash Cafe in Smashville. They decided it was simple to just trim some of the roses and lilies in the front. Those plants seem to be growing at an outrageous rate to the point they might compete with each other for sunlight, causing disproportions in size. That has no business in ___'s garden.

   So they got out special scissors and knelled carefully next to the batch of lilies and roses carefully enough to not do any harm to not cause any unneeded damage.

   Her first target was a lily that was the largest of them all and began trimming away petals, tiny branches, and buds. She did it to every lily that needed a trim. After she reached the last one, she noticed right next to it was a lily that never even bloomed.

   "This one should have bloomed already," ___ said. All the lilies were planted at the same time, and so she didn't know why wasn't fully grown. "Could be a late bloomer." Perhaps a possible explanation, but not for sure.

   They closely examined it. It doesn't look harmed or scribbled, and so bugs weren't the problem slowing down its process. Nether-less, it was a special lily. It looked so fresher and livelier than the rest of the lilies. "It definitely is a beauty." ___ couldn't help but stroke its underdeveloped petals.

   As soon as they touched it, a small shriek came from underground, muffled by the soil. ____ pulled away as they watched the plant sink into the ground, leaving a pit behind. But once they look down the pit, nothing was down there. "The hell was that?"

   It could of have been some sort of animals like a mole or ground squirrel, but no ground animal was that strong enough to pull down a whole plant underground in just the matter o seconds. What kind of creature could have done this? Was there creatures native to Smashville that ___ had no knowledge of? All these questions swirled in their head to make sense of what happened.

   Suddenly, more and more plants started disappearing. ___ could feel the very Earth morphing under their feet like some monster was crawling through the depths of their garden. Without saying a single word, they dashed into their home, leaving the "beast" to do whatever bidding it was doing.

   They slammed the door shut and ran up the stairs to their room. They locked the door and crashed onto their bed where they could at least find some source of comfort, not even caring it the dirt rubs off of them and onto their sheets. They clutched their heart, feeling it popping in and out of their very palms. They couldn't even mutter any words, just sat there like a deer in headlights.

  'What the hell is going on? What is happening?,' they thought repeatedly in their head. After a minute of questioning their existence, ___ pulled back the blinds to their room and looked down at their garden. The dirt wasn't moving, yet the flowers remained missing. That doesn't mean that they thought it was near approachable.

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