You Can't Deflect This (Fox X Link)

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Requested by Corinne Nohrule on

Sorry if this fanfic is small. I'm not really comfortable with writing furries and humans dating. "But Sylvy, you're a furry!" Well, I do like the concept of anthropomorphic animals and the design of them, I do not like these characters having romantic relations with humans, but this time only, I'll make an exception.


   Fox and Link were at it again. They were battling on Final Destination. No items. Three stocks. And only eight minutes to finish their fight. Audiences were watching them fued on a giant flat screen in the arena.

   The hyrulian warrior shot multiple arrows in Fox's direction. Fox just flashed his shine, deflecting his projectiles at twice the speed. Link had to jump to dodge them in time, but only clipped him on the feet, giving him a measly seven percent to his already high ninety-four percent. He landed on the ground, huffing as sweat glided down his forehead.

   "Really? You're just gonna spam arrows?" Fox scoffed and smirked at Link. He knew he had the upper hand. He had two stocks and was only at thirty-eight percent while Link was on his last stock and now had one-hundred and one percent damage.

   Just one forward or up smash would finish him off. 

   Link gritted his teeth at the fox and then summoned a light bomb. Without warning, he dashed to the fox and swiped at him with his sword with a forward air attack. Before he could react, Fox was launched off the side of the stage. Link knew he was in a vulnerable state, and so he quickly threw his bomb.

   Yet, another smirk appeared on Fox's face. He quickly flashed his shine and it deflected the bomb. Link could only gasp in response. The explosion of the bomb sent him off the screen

   "Game!" The announcer stated and the crowd roared at the results.


Just like that. Defeated with such ease. Link thought he would snag a victory for once, but not that time. He was always been underneath Fox's shoes for a long while, ever since they both day viewed on Smash 64. Fox was in A tier, one of the top tiers, while Link was in the bottom, at C tier. Fox was faster, had a better projectile, and better move pool. Better everything Link supposed.

   And that shine. Fox's neutral b always got to him. Link's projectiles were his main strategy, but now it was reduced to nothing with dealing with Fox. Sure, he was able to sneak in a few projectiles now and then, but now Melee made it impossible. Fox was able to shine at every second. Hell, he could only use that move and still win against any matchup. It was that good.

   Link didn't know exactly how to go about this. In Melee, he was even further away from Fox in ranking. Fox was in SS tier while he was in D tier, even wore than before.

   Although, despite all of this, they were the best of friends. Even after the nastiest fights, they possessed great sportsmanship and respect for each other. They cheered each other on during the worst of times and grew affectionate during the lightest of times. 

   During training, Link's heart skipped a beat everytime he thought of those lovely moments. He didn't know what emotions he was feeling, but they were intense. He thought he could just put them to the side, but every tine he saw Fox's face, they would come back.

   Perhaps will be able to do something about these feelings. Perhaps he will one day beat fox. Time can only tell.


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