A/N: Second Thoughts & Goodbye

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Remember when I said I want to reopen requests and continue this book?

Scratch that.

I know, I know, I know, I took a complete 180°, but after doing some thorough thinking, I really wanted to do so much more.

I desire to do requests on DeviantArt since I haven't really posted there often, and so I want to be more active there. Once I pick up speed there, I want to switch from free requests into paid commissions, which I can only successfully do there.

I desire to earn money to save up for college and get the dream computer I've always desired that will help me create better content. Why not just write fan fiction to get it? I enjoy writing and be able to contribute readers of the fan fiction community while also getting paid in the process.

Also, these requests are slowly becoming more like a stressful chore than an enjoyable writing experience. Yes, I do somewhat enjoy writing them, but not as much as I did before.

I need to take a break from them for a while.

Although, I can't deny. This is so far the largest fanfic book I've written. This has the largest amount of one shots I've ever seen and I'm really proud about that.

Hopefully I can make my future pokémon oneshot book MUCH more larger.

I hope you enjoyed these ones here  and see you around. Make sure to SLAM that vote button if you really did appreciate all of the hard work and dedication! ^-^

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