Knight In Shining Armor (Peach X M Reader)

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Requested by daleketchup


   The market on the Smashville beach was bustling as soon as the sun rose. Many sailors were coming into the ports and marketers came in and started unpacking the boxes fool of goods of their boats. While other marketers were preparing their stands, prepping for sales.

   Although, they turned their heads when they ground rumbled underneath them. They face the King of the Koopas, King Bowser. They hid behind their stands and watched as the powerful beast strode by, his feet colliding with the ground and making it quake with every step.

   He walked on and didn't even pay attention to them. All he did was head into an alleyway and they were unable to see him from then on. 


What the marketplace didn't know was that there was a much deeper facility in the cracks and crevasses of the village. As he made his way down the alleyway, it got progressively darker as the roofs of the buildings covered the sky above. At least his eyes reflected the remaining light, making his eyes glow orange and allowing him to see. 

   He looked behind him, making sure no curious civilian was following him. He then went forward until he his face hit an invisible wall. He rolled his eyes and said, "Kammy Koopa is the best Koopa in the world." The wall suddenly began to ripple like water and disappeared. "Such a ridiculous password."

   "Oh? You don't think I'm the best Koopa in the world? Remember all the work I've done for you?" A scraggly voice was could be heard behind the wall.

   "Can it, Kammy." He went through the wall, it rippled as his form made contact. It went solid as soon as he fully entered. 

    Entered where? Why Kammy's stand of course. It was against the end of the alleyway. A few candles on the wooden stand to light up the dark, hidden corner. She had voodoo dolls, magic potions, foreign herbs, and much more in baskets. And behind that very stand was the Koopa herself, sitting happily on her wooden stool.

   She still wore her purple robe and her white hair was pearly white. "I love you too, my lord." She chuckled mischievously. "You need of my assistance again?" 

   He nodded. "Have you finally finished the potion?" 

   She rolled her eyes at the notion. "No, I haven't. I have other things to do, y'know."

   "Like what?! Your duties to serve me should be your main priority!" His voice boomed and echoed in the tiny squared space. How could she waste her time diddling daddling with other tasks? What is more important than he was? He swore this Koopa woman had lost much of her respect for him after so many loses.

   "Well, I have customers, Bowser. I need the money to support myself since Master Hand kicked me out of Smashville. It was dreadfully cheery anyways." She grimaced at the thought of it. "But I'll finish it now..." She pulled out a stone pot from underneath the stand.

   "Thank God. Hurry up, or Peach's party will come soon." He crossed his arms.

   "Okay, okay, okay! Just to let you know, your impatient will come with a price." She hissed and then grabbed a hand full of herbs and lazily tossed them into the pot. She used her wand to stir it and crush them. 

   Then she opened a bottle and poured the unknown contents inside of the pot. A red glow emitted from the pot and smoke leaked to the ground and covered their feet. With a few words she mumbled, the pot began to bubble and boil until a mushroom cloud formed over it, then it laid still.

   "Drink the whole pot. All of it." She commanded.

   "Ew? What?! I wouldn't dare to drink from tha-"

   "Do you want to capture the Princess for good this time, or not?" She said.

  "The things I do for love..." He sighed of defeat and slowly went over to the pot.


Princess Peach and ___ were sitting next to each other in the ballroom in her castle. Many citizens from the Mushroom Kingdom and Smashville crowded every corner of the room. Of course, many came to celebrate her birthday. 

   She was turning thirty-three, but that didn't really excite her. She pouted as she played with her salad with the ends of her fork. "I feel so old..." 

   "Oh, don't be so hard on yourself, my lady. You look a few years younger." The knight reassured her. He took off his helmet, revealing his face and hair. He smiled so brightly that the Princess blushed. It was always nice to see his cheerful face after it being hidden so long underneath that mask.

   "I know, I know." She chuckled but then it faded. "I just...worry about the future of the kingdom. What will happen when I grow old and die and no one else can rule the kingdom."

   He reached over to her hand and clenched it with his gloved ones. "I will rule for you."

   "___, but it's such a hard responsibility. Are you willing to bear it?" 

   "Of course, anything for you Princess Peach." He lifted her hand and kissed her hand. 

   She giggled and pulled her hand away in shyness. "You're just dying to be king, huh?"

   He smirked. "Maybe. Anything that'll get you to satisfy your needs, my dear."

   But then all of the sudden, the windows started to vibrate and a roar was heard. It echoed in the ballroom. 

   "What was that?" She stood up and looked around, trying to make sense of the situation.

   "I don't know, but we'll find out soon!" ___ saw a figure behind the glass. Although, it was stained, colored glass, meaning the figure was disfigured and unidentified. Yet, he could confirm that it was charging right for them. 


   Author's Note

That's right! A two-parter! I have much more plans with this idea. Also, I think the fanfic would be over 3,000 words and I don't want to submit something that long to murder my readers patient! XD

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