Chapter 15 - Hunger

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Emily sat next to me after talking to that weird Irish guy. To be honest I didn't like him, especially the way he looked at Em like a piece of meat.

I don't know how long we just sat there unmoving, it must have been a few days. Out the corner of my eye I watched Emily; she would shift uncomfortably, then look at her hands the one she hurt had turned to a normal colour days ago, a frown would appear on her face and her lips would twitch like she was saying something but not quite muttering.

Finally I had enough. 'Em, are you ok?' She turned to me slowly, eyes full of confusion.

'Yeah, I'm just really thirsty. That's all.' She sounded convincing but I could always tell when she was lying.

'I know that's not the only thing, Em tell me.' I ordered.

'It''s just....err I can't explain it.' She shook her head and glanced at her hands again.

'Does your hand hurt still?' She looked back to me.

'No it hasn't since it was healing. It's not that.' Why was she being so vague?

'What is it then?' I asked a little irritated.

'I I have some sort of pins and needles but all over me.' I frowned at her. Then I remembered the way she suddenly walked away from the Irish dude, she looked a bit shocked.

I stood up and stormed over to him. 'What the hell have you done to her?!' I demanded.

He stood up. 'I would never to anything intentionally to her.' He towered over me that may have been intimidating to others but I was surely older than him. The older you are the stronger you are.

'Why does she feel like that then?!' I gestured towards her and saw the pain in her expression.

Mine and Siva's bickering didn't get us anywhere. If anything it just got us more worked up.

'Guys there's no point in doing any fighting, it'll just drain your energy quicker.' A tired voice said with a hint of a Bolton accent. We both turned to see had spoken.

A guy with fairly pale skin and dark hair looked up to us. He had very prominent bags under his eyes from the lack of feeding.

'You've got a point, sorry if we annoyed you Tom.' Tom nodded then looked towards me.

'I'm guessing your name is Nathan and who is the girl with you?' He nodded towards Emily. Her head snapped up at the mention of her name and she made her way towards us. She looked down at Tom sat on the floor.

'My name is Emily.' She stated simply holding out her hand for him to shake. He lifted his arm weakly and shook hers.

'I'm guessing you two are not mates judging by your mark Emily.' He smiled and Em frowned. Siva growled slightly in the corner. Emily shot a fearful glance towards him.

'What are you on about? Marks are always black.' She looked at him waiting for an answer.

'You still have so much to learn. When you find your soul mate your mark will change in colour when the bond is complete.' Tom looked towards Siva at that point and gave him a knowing look.

Emily just nodded with a frown still clear on her face.

'I better introduce you to the rest of the clan.' He smirked and then just about managed to stand up. I pitied the guy he had been here too long without being fed.

'Emily looked at the other people in the room and we both properly looked at them since arriving.

Emily's POV

On the end of the row was a tired looking girl with a wonderful shade of ginger hair which reached just past her shoulders. She smiled widely at me but it didn't quite reach her eyes, Tom introduced her affectionately like a sister. 'This is Abbie.' He smiled and then moved his hand towards the guy she was leaning against. 'And this is Max her mate.' 

Max had serious looking features and his hair was cut extremely short. He smiled up at me and shook mine and Nath's hands. Tom walked further down the line 'This is Jay.' He smiled as he pulled up his friend.

Jay had brownish curls which rested just above his eyes, they bobbed slightly as he stood up. His skin was very pale which was saying something considering all vampires were pale but his skin was almost pure white. He shook our hands ten walked in Max and Abbie's direction.

'And of course you have met Siva.' Tom chirped sending a wink to Siva who sent a smile towards Tom.

'So when you say clan, you mean you lived together before this?' I asked, Tom turned towards me.

'No we decided it would be best to form a clan in here, that way we can look after each other.' He turned back and smiled back at the others.

'I think it would be best if we joined too.' Nathan said looking towards me. 'That way we have strength in numbers.'

Tom nodded. 'Very well then. Welcome to the clan.' Tom gave us both hugs before sitting back down.


Nathan's POV

Months passed and still we were not fed. Tom's body had totally shut down from no feeding. Max had mentioned to me that he was there long before any of has come. I was surprised he lasted this long he must be fairly old.

We all sat in a line on the back wall. Emily and Abbie had clicked instantly and they were usually chatting. 

Emily eventually just sat against the wall speechless she closed her eyes and the bags under her eyes. She lurched forwards all of a sudden and started chocking. Nothing like I had ever seen, it wasn't like she had anything stuck in her throat. It was almost like a painful sob that shook the whole of her body.

Abbie placed a hand on her back which made a cry of heart-wrenching pain come from her lips. Abbie quickly took back her hand and looked at Max worried. Max turned towards Siva and nodded.

He stood up and made his way towards her. I moved infront of her in a protective stance. I didn't want him, anywhere near her.

He pushed me to the side and crouched by her side. He rested his hand in the same place Abbie has put hers, instantly her sobbing stopped and she gasped air like she actually needed it to live but she handn't needed to breathe for many years.

'Stay calm, it's going to be ok.' She looked at him and nodded still gasping.

He pulled her up in his arms and lifted her. He returned to his usual spot and rested her on his lap.

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