Chapter 5 - Dreams or Reality?

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Her face was all I could see and all I could hear were the small whispers coming from her mouth.

I'm coming for you. You will be mine Nathan Sykes!

I wanted it to stop, but it was one of those dreams where you were paralysed and the only place to run was into the unknown darkness.

 I sat up suddenly, gasping for air and sweat pouring down my face.

It was just a dream, I chanted in my head. I got up and walked to the double doors that lead to my private balcony. I turned the key and opened them. Instantly the cool night air brushed over me with a calming effect.

I stepped out and tried to focus my eyes in the darkness, my hands reached out for the stone rail that was intricately carved for show. My finger brushed over its smooth, cool surface as I memorised every detail of its design.

A voice snapped me out of my trance, making me tense.

Nathan. It said mockingly. Nathan darling, come out to play.

The voice was feminine and slightly familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I figured it came from below me. I leaned slightly over the barriers as I frowned, trying to focus to see who the mocking voice belonged to.

A bang sounded from behind me, my back instantly went straight and I turned cautiously to find that one of the double doors had closed.

I slowly walked back into my room and lit the short candle on my bedside table. I held it up and the dim light revealed my room as it had been before.

I took a few deep breaths then walked over to the doors shutting the other one and hastily locking it before sliding back under my covers. My mind must be playing tricks on me.

I blew the small flame out and shut my eyes. Dreamless sleep consumed me.


I decided against telling anybody about that night because I wasn't confident if it actually happened or it was just another dream.

I sat and ate breakfast quietly not really having much of an appetite. I put the plate on the floor and watched as my Irish wolfhound Jasper shoveled it down like he had never eaten in his life. I smiled and rubbed his head as he looked up at me like Oliver Twist saying 'Please Sir, may I have some more?' 

I picked up the plate and put it back on the table and continued to give Jasper some fuss.

A maid bustled in looking slightly flushed. 'Sir come quick! There has been an incident in the stables!' I stood and didn't even wait for the maid to show me.

Harry the stable boy was stood outside by the door, a look of sadness in his eyes. His head shot up when he heard me approaching. 'Whats happened?' I said a little breathless.

'I think it's best if you see for yourself sir.' He looked down and lead the way. 

We walked down to the end of the building to the last stable where supplies were kept. He gestured with his hand for me to take a look. 

There lay Benjamin my most trusted groundskeeper. His eyes were open and slightly glazed with a misty covering but that wasn't what shocked me. What shocked me most was the look of sheer terror on his face and the right side if his neck was gauged.

Just like Lord Chase had said.

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