Chapter 18 - Training

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Nathan's POV

Each of the cells were opened as soon as the sun was up. The corridor outside my cell was full of vampires of various sizes, some were big built and had a look of experience and others were small and afraid.

 A large courtyard was set just behind the large building. The sun shone dimly down onto all of us squeezed into the small space. Out the corner of my eye I saw movement on the wall closest to me, I turned towards it and saw a petite girl with long raven black hair quickly scaling the wall.

Three of the large guards that were placed around the perimiter of the courtyard climbed next to her and each grabbed a limb. I looked away just as a blood curdling scream filled the air followed by a sickening ripping sound. Harper rushed to the small platform at the front.

'And that my children is a very good example of what will happen if you try to escape.' She said as if she was praising a child. 'Now that we are all present you may begin your training. There will be different stations that you will transfer to once you have become skilled enough to look after yourself in battle.'

She gracefully jumped off the platform and started to walk down the middle of the crowd. She suddenly stopped and faced the left wall, putting her arm out to divide the crowd. 'This section will make their way to tracking.' She made a shooing movement with her hands then turned to the people to her right.

'You will be going to attack and defence.' She turned to my block.

'You will be going to evidence disposal.' What the hell is that? We started walking back the way we came, we passed the cells and then headed through the front doors.

We entered what looked like endless woodland and walked for a good few miles. Finally we reached a large clearing which had various piles of equipment. We all were pushed into lines as a tall woman stood in front of us; her dark hair flowed gently down to her waist, her eye colour matched her hair and she stood strong. She didn't seem very threatening but an aura of knowledge and overconfidence rolled off her in waves.

I stiffened as she smiled at a girl directly infront of me, Emily. 

'Thank you for volunteering.' She smiled down at her and she stiffened, leaning slightly away from her. She grabbed her wrist and spun her into the space that the demonstration would take place. She gently whispered into her ear, Emily nodded slightly as she walked towards the edge of the clearing.

My eyes went back to the front where the woman stood her hands placed on her hips. 'This is the place where you will learn to cover up your scents and also to get rid of the mess you will create.' She eyed up the crowed and then looked back at Emily who had in her arms what looked like rags wrapped around something unusual.

She approached further and I soon realised that they were limbs. Torn limbs.

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