Chapter 8 - True Stories

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'Can you remember the scary stories you were told as a child?' Lord Brunbley said turning away from the self where he had retuned the book.

'Some of them yes. Why?' There were many 'scary' stories that I was told when I was young.

'Do you remember the rhyme of the Blue Woman?'

'The one with the 'lady down by the lake'?'

'Yes, well the main details of that story are true.' He said waiting for my shocked expression.

There once was a lady down by the lake

And if you stumbled upon her wake

Beware for what your about to recieve

A present for your family to grieve

For skin pale and blue

To be given, a gift, for you

Hidden in confines of dark

And when you hear a call, a bark

A hunters waiting, all eyes on you

Next time, it will be them too

All because of the lady

down by the lake

'What details?' I said my brows furrowed.

'There was once a woman in the lake. She was a monster.' He said his eyes glazed over at the memory.


Many people had gone missing, mainly children. Some had returned from the lake saying that a strange lady took their friend away.

 They always said she had blue skin.  

There had been may searches around the lake but all had no results. We went out on another search determined as another child had gone missing.

Being the young man I was, I decided to walk straight into the water. The water eventually got to deep for me to walk so I swam towards the middle. 

I hovered and looked into the moderately clear water. The sun came out and provided me with a reflection on the surface of the water. I focused past my reflection and saw a strange object at the bottom some of it slightly under under the thin layer of mud at the bottom.

I called to my men that I had found something. Then something reached out and grabbed it disturbing the settled mud. It began floating towards me and all I could do is thrash aroound the water as complete horror as the body of a young girl floated towards the surface.

I turned out there had been a total of twenty-six bodies uncovered from the bottom of the lake. Many of the bodies I recognised from the descriptions given to me by distraught mothers.

But there was also a body that intruiged me. The young woman had pale skin to the point of appearing as a blue colour but I suppose that was because of the death that found her far too easily, her face was beautifully skulpted and under those eyelids that held perfectly long lashes I guessed used to be bright, cheerful green eyes that complemented her long brunette hair that had a red tint to it. Her lips were odd, they were full and pink still but the rest of her body showed all the signs of death: pale skin, not breathing, not moving etc.

What was also odd about her was that her neck was not in the same gory state as the rest of the children. Instead it was perfectly intact. Questions ran through my head; how did this girl die? Was she killed by a different person? Why did they have to be children?

My daze was broken when I heard my men shout. I turned from my spot where I had me transfixed by the motion of the lake's water. The girl was no longer lifeless, far from it.

She had spung up and eyed my men with feral, hungry eyes as a hiss escaped her coloured lips. Her still damp hair and dress clung to her pale skin as she circled a particular man in my team. 

Her fast movement blurred her form. I refoucused and saw that she had knocked the man onto the floor, her head was between the crook of his neck.

She stood up as I aproached her, she turned around towards me. Blood coated her lips and I looked at her eyes to see black marks in them. I heard a loud bang and the waman fell towards me.  My reflexes caught her to see that she had a hole in her chest.

She looked up at me with fear in her eyes as she clutched at the wound. The markings of her eyes went from black to a violent red as she went limp in my arms.

That was the first vampire I had come across and the first of the clan that my team would destroy.

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