Chapter 25 - Substitute

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The owl just perched there just staring at me, its eyes wide as ever. What unnerved me slightly was that it's eyes were blue considering that they should be golden. I reached out my hand and slowly grazed my fingers across it's soft black-dappled feathers.

It watched me with curiosity and shivered slightly at my touch. It screeched in the direction of the door before I heard a commotion downstairs. I leaped up and went in search of the noise and found Emily fuming before she rushed past me and into her room. Siva followed slightly after looking helpless, he frowned at me.

'Why have you got an owl?' He gestured to my shoulder and then I noticed the sudden weight of it and felt its talons through my clothing. I guess I was too distracted to notice.

'I don't know, I think it just likes my company.' He nodded not entirely convinced and then carried on up the stairs to his room.

Jay appeared from the kitchen. 'What's that smell?...OK' He pointed to the owl with a questioning look on his face, I shook my head.

'Don't ask because I don't know.' He nodded then went into the living room to watch TV with Tom. My sensitive ears picked up the convocation upstairs between Siva and Em.

'We could adopt, I know it won't be the same but-' He was cut off.

'That's my point, it won't be the same because it will be human, people will notice our marks. The authorities will look at us and without a second glance say no. I want my own flesh and blood but I can't have that because of that stupid bitch turning me into a monster!' I crept up the stairs and sat outside their door.

So that's what upset her so bad, she wanted children.

'We can work something out with a human child. I can't give you back your humanity but the least I can do is give you the chance of adopting a child of our own.' He was begging now, he didn't want her to go back in that state again and I didn't blame him.

I shifted so my knees were tucked up near my chest, the owl decided to hop from my shoulder to my knee. It was listening too, like it could understand what they were saying.

'I should be dead now, long forgotten by my relatives that were born way after my death. I should have great great grandchildren now that might know my name from a family tree project but nothing more. I should have grown old and grey with a husband that loved me, we would watch our grandchildren play in the garden of a house that would have been sold long ago by our family who it had been passed to.' I heard her huff then moved to sit on the bed.

'Instead I look the same as the day I turned eighteen all those years ago, my family is gone. Nothing left of us apart from me stuck in a never changing body that refuses to carry on my family.' I heard a voice like a whisper, it was hers but I didn't know what it said.

'What about a supernatural child? One that wouldn't have to be checked up on by humans, it wouldn't age after a certain amount of time.' His voice was soft.

'What kind of supernatural child?' She was curious.

'Werewolf, they must have a few orphans especially from the wars they have.' She chuckled slightly.

'We would have more chance of getting killed before they handed over a baby of their kind, you know what they're like they wouldn't trust us.' It went eerily silent before Siva added.

'I think we should carry on this convocation later when we're not being listened to.' Oh great they heard me or maybe the owl. The door opened from next to me and Emily stepped out.

'What do you think we should do?' She said seriously. I shrugged.

'It's your decision but it will be hard.' She smiled as Siva wrapped an arm around her waist.

'It's worth a shot.' Siva sighed as he looked into Em's eyes. I stood up with the owl loosing its balance on my knee before flapping upwards and onto my forearm, I stepped towards my room.

'Nath, don't forget the no pets rule.' Emily said. I laughed.

'Says you, you're getting a puppy.' She made a face of mock horror before slapping my arm.

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