Chapter 16 - Her

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Emily's POV

I snuggled into the chest that I was pulled close to. A smile spread on my face and I looked round the same grimy room. I saw Nathan sat in the corner looking my way. The chest  vibrated as Siva chuckled and I turned towards him meeting his shining brown eyes. I gasped as I remembered what had been going on for the last few days, I struggled to break free but it was no use because his hold only tightened.

'Don't struggle sweetly. You need that energy.' He said in his sexy Irish accent.

I gave up and begged Nathan with my eyes and finally he came over, he opened opened his mouth but shut it as we heard the lock click and the door swung open to reveal the person I thought I had escaped.

Nathans POV

Harper smirked as she entered the room under our penetrating stares apart. If looks could kill she would be dead, unlucky enough for us she was already dead in a sense.

'It's nice to meet you all after so long.' She smirked and looked down at Siva and Em. 'Siva.' She purred. 'It's been centuries and you haven't changed a bit.'

Duh he is immortal. I thought sarcastically in my head.

'It's a pity Tom didn't last very long.' She said as she glanced at his lifeless body. 'Well anyway on the brighter side you will no longer have to stay here. I want you to build your strength up so I brought you these.' She moved her hand towards the door and many people walked in. Each different ages and sizes but they all had the same trance-like look on their faces.

Anybody would be sickened at the sight of six hungry vampires ripping into peoples throats and after I felt guilty but instantly stronger. Abbie and Emily helped Tom feed for a while before he had enough strength to do it unaided.

Harper looked at us with a look of motherly pride. To be honest it scared me a little as to what she had in store for us.

She walked through the open door and we followed. There was no chance of escaped, hired muscle lined each wall as we were escorted to a large black van which was parked in the empty underground parking lot. Harper nodded for us to get in. A few of us grunted in disapproval but we did as she said.

We all piled in, luckily there was enough space for us to fit in.

'Nath I'm scared.' Emily mumbled beside me. I put my arm around her which earned me a look from Siva who sat on the other side of her. Underneath her tough exterior she was still a scared child.

'We'll be fine, I get you out of this Em.' She gave me a small smile before looking up at Siva. He raised his hand and gently cupped her cheek. Why was he acting like this. They only barely knew each other. My thoughts stopped as the van jolted as it started and we all bumped into each other.

A panel where the seats were slid opened and Harper's face appeared. 'Don't worry my lovelies we will be home soon.'

But there was no true home for us. Where is 'home'?

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