Chapter 28 - Battleground

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Emily and Siva got everything ready for the baby, the house wasn't big enough for it to have its own room so it would sleep in their room until we built an extension.

Siva told me that we would all have to help wipe out the enemy pack but we would get more details off the Alpha in the next meeting.

The next time we travelled to the pack it was much less tense, we expected the wolves to still be wary of us therefor surrounding the perimeter of the main pack house. We were greeted by the same couple who I found out were called Chad and Eliza.

We were taken to the Alphas office again and he told us exactly what to do.

Kill every being in the pack, children are not excused. This drew a gasp from both Abbie and Emily but they soon regained their emotionless expressions.

Make sure nobody gets away. They could alert other packs and start a war. I was quickly learning that packs were either friends or enemies with each other and that one wrong more could spark a war across continents.

Any bodies are to be destroyed as soon as possible. This made sense and we had all been trained to do so when Harper was training her little army.

And finally leave all buildings intact. They were going to use that as a second base for the pack to make it easier to cover the pretty much doubled territory.

The attack would take place the next day, we would all meet at the pack house and divide into two groups. We would all be in the same group and take the lead so the element of surprise would be on their side and they wouldn't expect the pack of wolves to follow.

We left after the Alpha had briefed us on the layout of the packs territory. We would attack from the North side there their main house was. The thought of killing all those people just because of a feud started long ago unsettled me. If I was human I would have felt sick.

We got back home all slightly in shock at what we had agreed to just to adopt a child.

'I can't do this.' I heard Emily whisper to Siva. It wasn't that she didn't want us to hear more the fact that she couldn't bring herself to talk more than a whisper.

'I don't think I can either but we can't back out now, you know what I did to get a deal like this. They know about me, they'll kill us if we refuse.' Siva replied in a soft voice. I don't know what they knew about him but it must be pretty bad if he hasn't told the rest of us.

'Why don't we try and get some of them out of harms way?' We turned to Tom giving him a questioning look. 'We can't save them all but the least we can do is save the most vulnerable.'

'I think that's a good idea but the only problem is that the pack will track us once they've caught on what we have done.' Max added.

'We have less than twenty four hours to think up a plan, I'm sure we can do it considering we don't sleep.' Jay said a small smile playing on his lips.

We spent hours planning every single detail, thinking of everything that could possibly happen and planning around it. Finally we were done with six hours to spare. 'Maybe we should take a look around their buildings locate all the children, so we know where to find them.' Everybody nodded and soon we were on the perimeter of the territory. The smell of wolf was strong as we crossed the invisible line that dared us to cross.

Each perimeter of a wolfs territory was patrolled twenty four hours a day, which made all of us on edge as we swiftly moved further and further through the forest that lead to the village the pack lived in. It was still dark but that didn't affect our ability to see. We moved carefully through each house making the trip quick enough before the wolves on patrol noticed our scent and raised the alarm.

We all met up silently in the small square in the centre of the village and headed off in the opposite direction we came giving the illusion that we were passing through in search for humans. Once we were out of the territory we took the long way home so that our scent wasn't left near the perimeter of the territory.

We all discussed where everybody was located and then made our way to the pack house early. They weren't quite ready yet but the atmosphere was filled with adrenaline from the younger warriors and blood-lust from the more experienced.

Finally we were signalled to leave, we were teamed up with a group of ten wolves most of them younger but there were a few older ones to keep them in check. I used the signal for us vampires to speed up to put a gap between us and the wolves in our group that way we would get a head start. Being slightly faster always had it's advantages. 

We swept through the village warning the people of the attack and promising mothers that their children would be taken to safety, they let us knowing that they may not live knowing that their children would survive. A few of the mothers that were too weak to stay and fight helped us. We finally got far enough away from the place they used to call home.

There was a large cave that we found on the other side of the mountain range that bordered the flat woodland areas. We were safe for a while but there were problems. We forgot that they weren't exactly like us, they would feel the cold if it dropped down low enough, we forgot that they would need sleep.

We tried to make the main area that they would camp in as cosy as possible considering we had barely anything to work with. Me, Jay, Tom, Max, Siva, Emily and Abbie all stationed ourselves about ten metres from the mouth of the cave on the lookout for anything that would threaten us.

The night was long and we could hear the occasional child crying to go home.

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