Chapter 7 - The Council

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Another meeting was called at Elm Tree Manor. I entered Lord Chase's study to find fewer people in the room than the last meeting.

Many of the faces were more mature, each wore an expression of knowing.

'Master Sykes, it is my pleasure to welcome you to Elm Tree Manor for this special occasion.' He smiled widely at me.

'May I ask what the occasion is?' I returned the smile.

'Of course! The council have made the decision to invite you to become a member.' A member? What did the council even do?

'What would my duties include?' I questioned. Lord Chase's face turned serious.

'I am bound to not tell you of the councils business until you sign the contract of secrecy and swear on oath. Lets just say, the councils work is not for the feint hearted.' Was it something to do with the deaths? Maybe an investigation?

'Where do I sign?' I said raising my eyebrows.

'That's my boy!' his face lighting up.

Lord Brunbley a well known land owner nodded to Lord Chase. He produced a large, thick book from one of the shelves of the study.

'You must understand Master Sykes that once you have signed this contract you will have to carry out your duties without hesitation for the safety of our people.'

I nodded as I watched Lord Brunbley turn carefully in the ancient looking book. He finally stopped and I looked back at Lord Chase, he handed me a finely crafted fountain pen and gestured to walk to the book.

I walked over to the book and looked down at the slightly crispy, brownish paper. At the top had an odd symbol that resembled the sun with a dagger in it.

I read the neat print below.

You have hereby chosen to offer your services to the secret Council. This contract will bind you to do everything in your power to protect humanity. This contract will also swear you to secrecy on the identity of Council members, their location and of their tactics at all times. Should you fail to follow these simple rules the consequences will be issued by the Head of Council. These consequences will be harsh. Choose your decisions wisely.

This contract will be signed with a signature and blood of the person whom the signature belongs to.

'May I ask Master Sykes that you sign the contract using a code name, this is to protect your identity if this book falls into the wrong hands.'

I nodded and signed on the dotted line. I passed the pen back to Lord Chase, he placed it back in the pot it came from then held his hand out to me. 

I placed my hand palm up in his and watched as he used a needle to prick my left index finger. He gently pinched my finger so blood rose into a crimson bead.

'Place your finger on the contract.' He ordered.

I did as he said. 'Thank you Master Sykes.' Lord Chase said from behind me. 'Now we shall tell you what the council does and what your duties will be.' 

Nathan's code name/signature on the side ------>

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