Chapter 20 - Lost Time

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My world was complete and then fell apart in the space of five minutes.

Something deep inside me snapped and my vision went red. I can't remember what happened, I just blanked. Then I was being dragged off a very angry looking vampire.

I was pinned down on the ground but that didn't stop me trying to get free. I was dumped in my cell after having a small amount of vervain. 

It made the whole of my body burn and ache. I just wanted to close my eyes and fade into the blackness. 

That is exactly what I did.


I opened my eyes to a vaguely familiar room, my old room in the house that me and Emily once shared. The furniture was the same, a little scruffy but I wasn't fussed.  I sat up and walked around noticing how it had changed slightly.

The bed wasn't anything I had seen before; it's frame was wooden but far from the designs I was used to, the covers were unusual too only a thick kind of blanket that was grey with a striped pattern and a thinner, velvet-like black blanket folded on top. Frowning I opened the door which had a new handle, the hallway was different and as I explored the house. The walls were covered in an odd smelling plaster and were all smoothed to perfection, most of the furniture was new made of fine wood and the kitchen was totally different .   

I didn't really have much time to adjust to the different yet familiar surroundings before Emily came bounding through the door followed by the guy called Siva from the cell. It clicked when I saw the mark on her face, she had stayed the same but her mark was no longer black as midnight instead it has an odd purple tone to it and was riddled with an unexplained pattern.

She had a mate.

I looked at Siva and noticed that he had the same mark over his right eye, they matched. I didn't know the guy and to be honest I didn't like him very much from what I can remember of  him.

Emily's face wore a serious expression which seemed to melt into a smile that would have hurt even a vampires cheek muscles. She rushed towards me and gave me a bone crushing hug as she screamed 'NATHAN!' At the top of her lungs.

I just laughed and hugged her back, I noticed Siva smile brightly at her happiness too. 'What's up with you Em? You missed me?' I teased.

She let go and stepped back slightly. 'Nath of course I've missed you.' She frowned at me 

'I haven't been out for that long have I?' I smiled jokingly.

'You've been sort of asleep for ages.' She paused as if she was trying to figure out how to word her next sentence. 'Nath it's 1996.' The smile faded from my face but it didn't quite register in my brain.

'What?' I said numbly.

'You've been out for years Nath, no matter what I did you wouldn't wake up. I would have given up hope if it wasn't for the fact that I could tell you were alive. The date is Christmas Eve 1996.' 

How could I have missed so much time? Was it even possible for it to happen to vampires? Like a coma?

I looked at the clock which calmed me with its rhythmic ticking. It told me it was twenty five minutes past five, I calculated that I had woken up at nineteen minutes past five for some unknown reason.

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