Chapter Four-Dog Tags

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Chapter Four

Dog Tags

My eyes snap open promptly at one o'clock in the morning. Right on time. Used to the routine, I roll up my bag and put it off to the side, then start braiding my hair. When that's done I grab the essentials from my bag and brush my teeth and put on deodorant. I leave my sleeping clothes on, I'm just going to take a shower when I come back anyway. I slip out of my room and head to one of the gyms Bucky and I passed yesterday. With the thought of Bucky comes another thought. I grin and head into one of the labs. Apparently, there are always people here. I ask for a favor and they're all eager to comply, so after the short stop I leave them to it and go ahead to the closest gym. Shockingly, it's empty. Perhaps not so surprising since it is so early. Shrugging, I head to the treadmills and start running. I run for about an hour, then head over to the punching bags. Reaching down I touch my toes, reach up to the ceiling, side to side, then grab a medical kit to wrap my knuckles. The process is familiar and I finish it quickly. Standing up, I raise my fists and go at the bag, loving the sound, the feeling, and the slight soreness that eventually rises within my limbs. After my limbs have been thoroughly used and tired, I toss my wrappings in the trash and head back to my room for a shower. The walk is nice, but I do miss the constant presence of Bucky by my side. I've been alone for so long, it's been nice to have someone to do mundane things with. I get back to my room and after throwing myself at my door a couple times, it opens. The minute I step into the room two men turn to look at me. One has ice blue eyes filled with concern and frustration. The other also has blue eyes, but his are filled with amusement rather than concern.

"Uh, hi guys." I greet Steve and Bucky. Steve waves once with a hand before crossing his arms, looking between Bucky and I with thinly veiled amusement and joy. I glance at the clock and find that it's five in the morning. A little early for a party.

"Akilina." My name rushes out of Bucky's mouth like a pent up breath. The minute it slips out from James's lips, my cheeks heat up. Damn hormones. He walks over and seems like he's about to embrace me, but remembers himself and stops about a foot away from me. Shame. "I was...concerned about you. I came in to check on you and found that the bed was made, your sleeping bag was rolled up, and there was no sign that you had stayed in here at all!" He goes on passionately, blue eyes burning with relief and concern. "I had no clue what had happened to you." He finishes quietly and grasps at the chain around his wrist. My dog tag. His eyes float down to the floor and his hands clench and unclench. The shock finally wears off and I lay my hands gently and hesitantly on his shoulders.

"James, it's okay. I'm fine. I just went to the gym, thus the disgusting sweatiness." I strive to comfort him. He nods, slowly.

"I'm sorry. I guess...I guess I can't help but jump to the worst conclusion." Bucky murmurs. I bite the inside of my cheek before gently squeezing his shoulders. His eyes immediately flick up to my face and are filled to the brim with fear and vulnerability. God, those eyes will be the death of me.

"It's fine. I understand. I think it's very sweet and considerate of you to worry. It's very human." I tell him and feel tension roll off him in waves. I glance over at Steve and see that he isn't even a tiny bit upset by being woken up. "And you woke up Steve?" I ask, unable to stop my grin. My hands leave Bucky's shoulders and I head over to Steve. Steve shrugs, but cannot wipe away that smile.

"Like I said, worried." James mumbles. I stare at Steve as my cheeks heat up and Steve nods slightly, like he already knew that was going to happen.

"Okay. Next time I'll leave a note or wake you up before I leave. Deal?" Once the heat in my cheeks dies down I turn back to Bucky. He nods.

"When did you get up anyway?" Steve asks. I play with my dog tag around my neck as I answer, missing the slight jingling sound two of them would make.

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