Chapter Twenty-Four~Tad Sore

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Tad Sore

I wake up slowly and instantly feel the ache in my muscles as I stretch. I groan and relax back onto James, content not to move ever again. His chest rumbles as he laughs at me, but I'm too sore to hit him.

"Utro, lyubov'." (Morning, love.) He says roughly and plants a soft kiss on my head. I moan as he stretches and jostles me slightly.

"YA dumayu, ty slomal menya." I moan against the skin of his neck. He laughs out loud and I prop my chin on his chest to frown at him.

"What did you say?" He asks, laughter still in his voice. I half-smile at his handsome happy face and answer.

"I said, I think you broke me." I repeat myself and he laughs again.

"Little sore, are we?" He teases.

"That's a very nice way of putting it. You should carry me everywhere today." I suggest and kiss his chest tenderly. His arms tighten around me in agreement.

"I'm fine with that, but we kind of have to get up for that to happen." He states.

"Right, right, right. Okay. So, like a band-aid, right?" I ask pitifully, but James has already started to slip out from under me and out of the bed. I continue laying there like a jellyfish as I watch his fine ass put on underwear. He turns back to me and I take my time looking up and down his body. He's grinning from ear to ear when I finally reach his face. "I love you." I tell him playfully, but sincerely. His smile widens and he crouches on his knees beside the bed, slowly peeling the blankets off me. He kisses my skin as he travels down, ending with my pinky toe. I sigh happily and finally sit up, still completely naked, but endlessly comfortable with Bucky here. He holds my hands and kisses me tenderly before yanking me up so I'm standing. "Ow." He laughs and kisses my cheek.

"I love you too." He whispers while running his hands up and down my arms. Finally, I slap his arm and walk towards the dresser on my jelly legs. I can hear him stifling his laughter as I walk, but I'm laughing all the way there too. I grab an olive shirt and black boxers before heading back over to the bed.

"Babe, could you grab me a bra and underwear from my bag?" I ask as I wobble over to the bed. Chuckling, he does as I ask. His choice lands on the bed beside me as he puts on a black shirt. I laugh as I pick up the tiny pieces of cloth he chose for me to wear. "Really?" He chuckles before he even looks at me.

"You said pick! I like those." He explains with a mischevious grin. I roll my eyes and head into the bathroom, exchanging the clothes I have on for a sports bra, boy-shorts, a tank, and some tight workout pants. I walk out, still a little unused to walking, and find Bucky cleaning up our clothes off the floor.

"Hey, leave those." I ask as I walk over and swat his pants out of his hand. Confused, he lets the pants drop back into a heap on the floor.

"Uh, why?" He asks. I wrap my arms around his neck and peck his lips softly.

"I like the way your clothes look on my floor." I murmur against his lips, then head towards the door. Teasingly, I look back at him and let out a little squeak when he runs at me and scoops me up in his arms, planting a light kiss on my forehead. He starts walking with me in his arms bridal style. "I was joking about carrying me, you know." I tell him and he smirks.

"Well, I wasn't. I like holding you close to me. Without clothes is preferable, but I'll take what I can get." I smack his chest and he laughs, making me grin. We enter the elevator without him putting me down, then go to the gathering room to get some food. Faces turn towards us as we walk in, but James just holds me tighter.

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