Chapter Twenty-Butting Heads

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Chapter Twenty

Butting Heads

*Bucky's POV*

The room smells like Akilina already. Book pages, sweat, and some other sweet smell, like honey. Being in here isn't helping how much I miss her, but we need to talk. We're still teammates and need to at least be cordial with each other, preferably not flipping each other off at the party tomorrow. My lips turn up just a little at the memory of her sour face when she saw me today. At least her spirits haven't dampened at all.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I hear her voice and spin towards the door, seeing a fuming Liya, hands on her hips and a frown on her face.

"I thought we should talk." I say with trepidation. She purses her lips and squints at me, tapping her foot. She goes into the bathroom and starts putting things in her bag, then comes back out with it slung over her shoulder.

"You don't think the time to talk was before you left me at the hospital?" She asks, voice tired instead of angry. "You don't think that was immature as hell, Bucky?" I sigh and run my thumb over my palm.

"Look, I just wanted to talk about being civil with each other. Press will most likely be at the party tomorrow and the team needs a collected front." I explain, putting more pressure on my palm to keep from walking over and touching her. Her face looks even more disappointed and that's somehow worse than all the anger in the world.

"So, we're not going to talk about us at all? You're just...brushing it under the rug?" She asks, but her tone is like a statement.

"Akilina..." I start, but stop when she holds up a hand.

"You know what? I understand you think I'm in danger by being close to you, but I'm a marine James. I work on a team of superheroes. Danger is my fucking job. If you stop being a stupid ass, come talk to me. But I'm not waiting forever. I know how I deserve to be treated and it sure as hell isn't like this." She walks out and flips me the bird behind her back as she leaves, frustrating me further.

"Damn it all." I murmur and sit on her bed, letting the scent drift up and choke me. Maybe coming to see her wasn't the best idea. Part of me hears her and wants nothing but to chase after her and hold her close again, but another part remembers what it was like to hold her limp body in my arms. I can't do that again. I stand and get ready to leave the room, but stop just before leaving. Grumbling under my breath, I grab her pillow and go to my room. I lay on my bed on her pillow, remembering how nicely our scents mingle, wishing she was here with me but remembering why she can't be.

*Akilina's POV*

I wish I could say I walked out of that room calm and collected. I wish I could say I made it all the way to the top fucking floor without shedding a tear. All that would be a lie though. As soon as I get into the elevator I start crying, sniffling disgustingly. The numbers on the elevator ding as I go up and I compose myself before reaching the top. Although my eyes are puffy and I continue to sniffle, at least I'm not sobbing. I step out of the elevator and run straight into Steve. Seems like that's our thing now. My bag falls to the floor with a thump, but once again Steve saves me from falling on my ass with two gentle hands on my shoulders.

"I think you need a bell." I rasp, my voice still a bit raw. Steve frowns when he hears me talk, then examines my red eyes and my occasional sniffle. His hands squeeze my shoulders a little and his face does it's concerned thing.

"Hey, hey. What's going on?" He asks compassionately. Sighing, I shrug and sniffle.

"Your brother is an ass." I grumble and lean down to pick up my bag. Steve's expression clears and he beats me to it, tossing it easily over his shoulder.

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