Chapter Eleven-

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Chapter Eleven

Looking Spiffy

An hour later, James is sitting in the bathtub with his hair cut and I'm brushing all the leftover hair off his shoulders.

"You know you're picking this all up right? There's no way I'm explaining to the king that I've clogged the drain." I tell him and he laughs, making me grin. "Okay, that's it. You're done. Let me look at you." I shove the scissors and razor back in the drawer and turn around to see Bucky standing in the tub. His face is no longer shadowed by his long hair and it makes his eyes look brighter and greener than before. The hair left on his head seems lighter too, more of a brown than black. It's curlier than before and adds a more boyish quality to his face. Overall, he's still sexy as hell. He grins at me and holds his hands out to his sides.

"So?" He asks. I smile at him and tug him out of the shower and push him in front of the mirror.

"See for yourself. For the record, I still think you're handsome." I tell him as he stands there, running his hands through his newly shortened hair.

"I look like I did when I was twenty." He says incredulously. I smile softly at his happiness, glad I could help with it. I plant a small kiss in his cheek. Before I know it, I'm being lifted off my feet into his arms.

"Thanks doll." He whispers. I laugh and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Of course." I reply simply. He puts me down and rubs the tiny hairs on the back of his head. A knock on the door has me slipping past him and out of the bathroom. "Clean the hair up please." I tell him as I go to open the door. When I do, I find Steve standing there, Victoria tucked against his side. "Hey, come in." I step aside and wave them in. They enter and I see the two of them scan the room for Bucky. "He's cleaning the bathroom. Is anything wrong?" I ask. Both of them shake their heads in unison.

"No, no. We were just worried about you. You left dinner suddenly..." Victoria trails off, her eyes filled with concern. I lay a hand on her arm and squeeze gently.

"Thank you both for your concern, but I'm fine. Better than fine." I grin and Victoria smiles back at me, her eyes searching and hopeful. Suddenly, Steve looks over my shoulder and stiffens. Glancing behind me, I see Bucky standing just outside the bathroom. The fluorescent lights shine on him warmly and make his radiant smile seem even brighter. My heart warms at the sight of him and I don't think I'm the only one.

"Hey Stevie. Just like old times, huh?" James jokes, but Steve's face is anything but funny. It's like he's seen someone he thought he lost a long time ago, and I guess he has. In a second they've crossed the room and are embracing each other like brothers.

"Should we give them a moment?" I whisper to Victoria and she nods, slipping out the door behind her. I'm right after her and shut the door behind me. Gesturing down the hallway with a hand, I start walking and she follows. "So, how long have you and Steve been together?" I ask, genuinely curious. She smiles and it's gorgeous. God, their children are going to be breathtaking.

"Almost two and a half years." She replies and I can her the affection in her voice.

"Wow. That's impressive." I remark. She laughs quietly.

"Thank you. Actually, it's been easy." I look at her like she's crazy and she laughs again. "No, no. Not easy. I mean, it's a choice we make every day and we argue like every couple, but being with Steve," she shrugs. "it's like breathing." I stare at her and find myself smiling. It's good that she and Steve found each other. Loneliness can be a bitch.

"That's great. I'm glad you found someone like that." I tell her sincerely. She looks up at me and the side of her mouth twitches.

"Haven't you?" She asks, causing my mouth to pop open in surprise.

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