Chapter Six-Field Trip

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*Akilina's POV*

While a little upset that the officers instantly obeyed Steve and not me, I'm glad he's with us. If not only for how happy Bucky gets around him, then because I like his company. If we had met in another place at another time, we might have been best friends, but all we can do is work on the time we have now. We walk outside and take steps away from one another because of the heat. All three of us take deep breaths of fresh air. The air is much cleaner here than in New York.

"It's nice to get out." Steve sighs and I look back at the two of them looking lovingly into the other's eyes. Steve's wearing a plain white tank top and khakis, same as Bucky. Cute. He puts a hand on Bucky's shoulder and they both grin. I roll my eyes.

"Get a room." I tease and relish the looks of disdain I get from both of them. I start to feel more and more like myself again. "It's good you came, Steve. You know this area better than we do. Any waterfalls nearby?" I ask, ready to be on the move. He smiles at me and nods, pointing to the left. "Alright, let's go!" I pronounce and motion Steve forward to lead the way. He chuckles and goes ahead. I glance at Bucky, thinking of my hand in his and am actually thankful for the heat. It masks my blush. I walk behind Steve and Bucky brings up the back. As we march I take in my surroundings with awe. The forest is greener than green and thick with plants. The gentlemen by my sides push every leaf and branch out of my way considerately, but unnecessarily. I'll take it when I can get it though and let them do it. It makes them happy to do it anyway, I see them exchange grins often. It's sweet. Wherever Wakanda is, it's absolutely beautiful. Could use a lower temperature though. Just as I think that, Steve voices the same opinion.

"Hey, Liya? Is it possible for you to lower the temperature around us at all?" He asks nicely. I think about it for a moment then look at his back.

"Well, Steve...from one to ten with one being none at all and ten being we could be naked in the same room and you wouldn't care, how comfortable are you with me?" I ask, stepping over a root the size of Bucky's arm. Bucky chuckles behind me and Steve stumbles a bit in front of me in surprise.

"Uh, well...eight I guess." He says, and his voice sounds nervous. I take a breath and chuckle.

"Okay, that's a good number. Now, I'm going to jump on your back so I can focus only on the temperature." I tell him.

"What?" He exclaims and stops to turn around and look at me. I huff a little.

"I'm not all powerful. This heat is so thick it's like a wall. I'd need a lot of focus to bring it down. Walking and not tripping while doing that is very difficult." I explain. Steve considers me, then I'm suddenly being picked up by James. I yelp, but instincts kick in and I find myself wrapping my arms around his neck. My blue eyes meet his and I inhale sharply at how close we are. His arms are strong and firm around me and it doesn't help that almost all of what's touching me is his bare skin. His hot, smooth, bare skin. We stay there for a moment, eyes boring into the others, before I blink and look away. "Thanks." I squeak and shut my eyes to concentrate. Shuffling alerts me that Steve has started walking again and Bucky soon follows. His hair tickles my arm and every once and a while he adjusts his hand on my thigh and around my waist. I'd be lying if I said that this was less distracting than walking. I try to focus anyway and slowly, the temperature drops. Once I get it to be around the low seventies, I stop. I take a breath and open my eyes. I no longer have to concentrate as hard now the temperature is steady. Instantly, I swallow when I open my eyes to see James already looking down at me, gently smiling. "Um, thank you for the lift, but you can put me down now." I say nervously, my hands tightening around his neck. He makes no move to obey me.

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