Chapter Three-Roomies

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"Uh, I'm sorry by the way." My eyes flick up to meet his and my heart starts beating faster than normal. The hell? No one affects me this way. No one. He points to my lip and my hand automatically lifts to my lips. My fingers flutter over my mouth and I feel the scab already forming. His eyes follow my hand and linger a little on my lips before returning to my eyes. Normally, I'd smile and wink, but instead I feel my face heat up and I quickly return my hand to my side.

"It's fine. Uh, like you said you only got one good hit in." I remind him. James shakes his head and half-smiles.

"Something I still can't quite believe. The Winter Soldier doesn't usually miss." He says quietly. I let out a slight chuckle and awkwardly point to the other room.

"I'm going to go clean my face." I mumble and speed to the bathroom in the other room. It's a mirror image of Bucky's except the door on the other side is open and leads to a bathroom instead of another room. After grabbing a small towel from a rack, I wet it in the sink and gently wipe my lip clean. Glancing at my reflection in the mirror I'm tempted to groan. My date makeup is now smeared and faded, making me look like a bruised raccoon. I wet the rest of the towel and scrub all of it away quickly, tossing the white towel in the trash when I'm done. There's no way anyone is going to get all the makeup off that anyway. Looking at the shower, I turn around to ask Bucky if he wants a shower and find him standing in the doorway. A bubbly giggle pops out of my mouth, shocking me. I'm not a giggler. "Sorry." I apologize for running into him and look up at his handsome face. "I, uh, I was going to ask you if you wanted to take a shower." I say quietly, keenly aware of how close his hulking body is.

"That would be great, actually. Uh, thank you for staying next to me. To look after me." He thanks me quietly. I swallow and nod.

"Of course. Uh, excuse me." I put a hand on his left arm without thinking and he flinches. I frown at his reaction. Can't have him fearing touch. Absolutely not. "James." I whisper his name and take his left hand in mine. Instantly, he takes his hand away from me. I shut my eyes for a moment as his rejection pierces my heart, but I swallow my pride. This isn't about me. I open my eyes and reach out again to take his left hand. James allows it and watches me warily, afraid of what he may do. "You aren't going to hurt me. You can't hurt me." I assure him, shocked by the strength and steadiness of my voice. Taking another breath to steady myself, I continue. This is my soldier mode. I hold our hands between us and press his metal hand against my heart. His eyes widen. "Can you feel that?" I ask him calmly, although I don't feel calm at all. His breathing is faster than normal, whether from fear or something else, I don't know. He nods in response. "Good. That's life. Your metal hand is touching life and is not destroying it. You control what this arm does, James. You, and only you. Okay?" I ask. His eyes soften as he looks at me.

"Thank you." He breathes. I release his hand and he moves it to my face, his metal thumb resting where my pulse is strongest. I watch him without fear. He's just another soldier who has lost his way. I'm not afraid of wounded soldiers. I understand them. "You look really beautiful, by the way." He says as if it's an afterthought and not something sweet like it is. I smile softly, nervously, and desperately wish for my heart to slow down. His hand rests there and I feel my pulse flutter when he smiles. Or is it the other way around?

"Liya?" I hear Steve call me from the other room and Bucky immediately rescinds his hand.

"Okay, well enjoy your shower." I tell Bucky before slipping out and heading towards Steve's voice. He's in the doorway of Bucky and I's rooms and judging by his face he saw me and Bucky in the bathroom together. I hear the bathroom door shut and I shake my head at Steve. "Thank you." I say and take my stuff from him. I set it down by my bed and look back at him. He's still smirking. "Don't even, Rogers." I snap and he holds his hands up in surrender while laughing.

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