Chapter Twenty-Three~Dominate Me

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Dominate Me

His lips are on mine before the doors even close and I don't mind at all. I back up until my back hits the wall and he lifts me up so I'm sitting on the small bar there.

"Do you have any idea how crazy you've been driving me tonight?" He murmurs against my lips while tucking his fingers underneath the cut in my dress. I groan when I feel his teeth slide over my jaw and his lips kiss my neck.

"Why don't you tell me?" I whisper with a trouble-making smirk on my lips. He growls in my ear and tugs a little on the fabric of my dress, threatening to rip it.

"First, you show up looking damn good enough to eat, then you let Tony run his hands all over you. Then Sam too." His lips return to mine and he lets his tongue dance across them, tracing them deliciously. "When Tony came back I had to step in. The only man allowed to touch you should be me." He snaps and the elevator door dings. I glance at the floor level and smirk.

"I'm okay with that. Can we go to my room now?" I ask impatiently. He scoops me up into his arms and takes me straight to my room, already knowing where it is. In a moment, we're out of our fancy clothes and he's hovering above me on the bed. My crown is set nicely on the bedside table, his hat on the floor.

"Tell me what you want." He says against my collar bone. A million dirty thoughts fly through my head, but leave me when he bites the edge of my lace bra.

"Dominate me." The words slip out and heat fills my cheeks, but the desire in James' eyes when he looks back at me dissolves all uncertainty.

"What?" He asks and moves back up to my face to make sure he heard me right. I grin and gently run my hands down his back, my nails lightly scraping the skin. Pleasure fills me when his eyes close for a moment.

"I said, dominate me." I repeat myself while looking at his heated eyes. "What, you not up for the challenge?" I ask and his eyes close again.

"Safe word." He grounds out. I smirk as he consents.

"How about Tony?" I tease and he rumbles in dislike. He pins my wrists to the bed with his hands and lowers his body onto mine. His weight fills my body with ecstasy, especially when he grinds against me with his hard-on.

"Pick another." He asks and reattaches his lips to my skin, every once and a while skimming across it with his teeth. I swallow and try to think of another.

"Uh, roses." I grab onto the first word that comes to mind and pick it. James smiles against my skin.

"Good. Now, are you going to be a good girl?" He murmurs and pushes his hips into mine, eliciting a moan from my lips.

"No." I say shakily, and grin when he looks up at me, surprised. "I said dominate me, not that I'd make it easy." I point out and his hands tighten slightly on my wrists.

"Fine." He releases my wrists and rips my bra off with skill, then he crosses my arms under me and takes them in his hands. My back is forced to arch as he tugs them together and he makes sure to maintain eye contact with me when he plants his lips on my right nipple. His talented tongue swirls around, sucks, then he just barely frames it with his teeth. By then, I'm moaning like an alley cat. He switches to the other breast and gives it the same treatment, lavishly loving it with his mouth. I tug on his hands holding mine as my body begs for more of him, but his hold is firm.

"Oh my god." I groan and pull hard on his hands as my body gets hotter and hotter from desire. Bucky's lips vibrate on my sensitive skin as he chuckles. He releases my hands and they immediately reach down to finger myself, but James won't allow it.

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