Chapter Twelve-

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Chapter Twelve


*Akilina's POV*

Nerves twist and turn in my stomach as we sit in the many rows in the court room. Honestly, I'm surprised all of us haven't been arrested already. Clint, in typical Clint fashion, landed right in front of the courthouse in D.C. Surprisingly, the Government must have kept this case secret because no one is here, but I'm not sure if that's good or not. We all went inside, standing side by side, and made it in before the crowds got too big around the jet. Now, we're all sitting in these pew type things, just waiting. Unfortunately, James had to sit up front at one of the two tables, but we're all literally right behind him. Briefly, I met Mr. Rhodes, Vision, and Pepper Potts, but wanted to keep up with Bucky, so I didn't get to speak with them much. Tony Stark was nearby, but he was a little preoccupied with lawyers to be bothered. Right now, I'm sitting beside Steve and Wanda. From Steve over it's Victoria, Tony, Pepper, Rhodes, T'Challa, and Vision. From Wanda over it's Sam, Scott, and Clint. A wave of superheroes sitting and waiting to see whether we're going to drown or be pulled into a lifeboat.

Slowly, people pour into the room and sit down, sparing us more than one glance. Wanda grabs my hand as the whispering around us grows more prominent. I hold it without question, happy to have something to do with my hands anyway. When everyone is sitting down, even more people come in and stand in the back. I'm starting to get antsy in a room filled with this many people. I just keep my eyes on the back of Bucky's head. He's the most important thing here. Finally, we're asked to stand for Judge Bryant and the room instantly goes silent. Everyone obeys and a frail looking woman with her mouth twisted into a wrinkled scowl exits a side door and climbs up to her seat. We're told to sit and we do so with minimum disturbance. Examining the judge, I see a scar going from her cheek to her jaw. Well, if she fought in a war perhaps she'll be more understanding towards James. My eyes go back to his stiff figure just sitting there. I wish I was there beside him. A young redheaded man steps forward with a sheet of paper in his hands and begins to speak.

"James Buchanan Barnes," I stiffen in my seat and squeeze poor Wanda's hand, tight. The man reads off transgression after transgression to James, then the penalties. It seems to take hours and it kills me because every single one of the sins was committed by the Winter Soldier. Not my James. The longer it goes on the more I scoot forward in my seat. My only comfort is that Steve seems to be getting as riled up as I am.

"You know, I could set the piece of paper on fire." I whisper to him and see the corner of his mouth turn up for a moment.

"I wish I could tell you I'd disapprove." He whispers back and I grin, on the verge of doing it. Just then, the list ends and the red-haired man sits back down. The judge shifts in her place and takes a long breath before she speaks.

"Now would be the time where I would appoint you a lawyer, young man." She addresses Bucky and I see him try to sit even straighter. God, I'd give anything to take his place. "But you already have one I see," she nods to the man sitting to his left. "Good. Mr. Barnes, you have the right to a trail and a fair one. Unfortunately, due to the severity and barbarity of the crimes committed, you will not be allowed bail. In fact, this will be your only hearing to prevent risking the safety of others." The court is immediately filled with whispers and gasps. I grab onto Steve's hand as well, for reassurance as well as to hold me back. "Silence!" The judge snarls and everyone shuts up quick. She looks back at Bucky and I believe I see a softness in her eyes, or perhaps I'm just projecting. "I believe in fairness, Mr. Barnes. I believe in the law. If I didn't, I wouldn't be a judge. Now, I am aware of everything the people behind you have done. I am aware of your history serving this country. Believe me when I say I will give you a fair case where others will not and believe that only having one meeting of the court is in your best interest." Her voice has an edge to it and I can tell her eyes are burning into James's. Hope leaps in my chest. Maybe this lady is going to help us? James nods once and the judge nods back. "Let us begin then." She sits back in her chair and nods to the woman sitting at the table on the other side of the court from James. Thus begin the opening statements.

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