Chapter Seven-Green and Brown Eyes

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Chapter Seven

Green and Brown Eyes

*Akilina's POV*

"Oh shit." I whisper as I stare at the crouching panther. Do we all just smell like fresh meat today? Two damn animals come to eat us, it's just my luck. It snarls again and all of us jump. Instantly, my eyes go to Steve who is much closer to the creature than Bucky and I. "Steve." I call him quietly, but he doesn't hear me. The creature is still snarling and it makes even the sound of the waterfall dull, my voice is easily drowned out. Slowly, I try to move forward, but Bucky's arms wrap around my waist before I can. While usually I'd swoon, maybe try to nibble his ear, but right now really isn't the time.

"What are you doing?" He asks, his mouth still beside my ear. God, why did something have to be trying to kill us now? I turn my head to the side, but keep my eyes on the panther that has slowly started to move along the cliff to be closer to us. About leaping length soon.

"Steve is too close." I whisper back and reluctantly Bucky's arms release me. I start taking small steps towards Steve, my hands up and ready for anything. Hopefully. The closer the panther gets, the faster I move. Finally, I'm by Steve. I move in front of him as stealthily as possible, but apparently the panther likes Steve and not me. A growl rips its way out of its throat as it looks at Steve behind me. It crouches and I pull Steve backward with wind just as it pounces.

"Liya!" I hear James yell as I manipulate water in front of me. The panther crashes into the wave and I freeze the water, freezing the panther within it. I take in a breath and feel Steve's arms tug me backwards, away from the strangely silent creature. Its head is still free, why isn't it snapping at us? Steve's hands are replaced by Bucky's and I take comfort in his touch. Steve moves in front of me and I put a hand on his shoulder. He glances back at me and I shake my head at him.

"Careful." I tell him and he nods. My arms wrap around Bucky and he pulls me inextricably closer.

"Could you stop giving me a heart attack? I am almost a hundred." He murmurs quietly, but I'm too shocked and happy to be so close to him to laugh. Steve moves closer to the panther and my laughter dies.

"We should get out of here, Steve." I tell him and Bucky and I separate. Steve glances at us from only a foot away from the panther and grins.

"You know, I don't know a whole bunch about animals, but I know panthers don't have eyes like that." He gestures to its eyes and I see now, they're brown and green. That isn't right. Its eyes are much too...human.

"Son of a bitch." James says and Steve nods at him, obviously already knowing what's going on. Unlike me, who has absolutely no idea what's happening. Steve holds out a hand and runs it across the top of the panther's head before I can stop him. I stare, open-mouthed, as the panther accepts the affection and starts to morph into something completely different. The limbs shorten and the head shrinks. The hair on its head turns into shades of chocolate and grows longer to form ringlets.

"Holy motherfucking shit." I whisper and the now young woman laughs. She's still stuck in the ice, although now there's a whole lot more room for her to move. Steve slips her out easily and wraps his arms around her, pressing his face in her hair. Her legs wrap around his waist as his arms tighten around hers. This must be Victoria, right? They separate and the girl grins, a drop dead gorgeous grin, then they kiss. Yeah, definitely Victoria. I turn to Bucky and see his face is shining at seeing his best friend and his future fiancé together. After they kiss he swings her down and she comes towards us. Bucky hugs her and I smile softly at the sight of him acting so happy and carefree. When he releases her she turns to me.

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