Chapter Fifteen-Mundane

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Chapter Fifteen


*Bucky's POV*

Being in a room with all of these people is making me more than uncomfortable and jumpy. I'd much rather be outside, but Liya and I's stomach's demand food. Liya hunts down Laura within a minute. Guilt nibbles at me when Liya places a hand on her shoulder and she turns towards us with a look of panic on her face.

"Would you mind if Bucky and I did some grocery shopping for you?" Liya asks, surprising me. Relief floods Laura's face and I'm once again amazed by my Liya. She read Laura in a way I didn't. Laura hugs Liya and grabs keys and a list from the kitchen counter.

"Thank you so much." She says sincerely. "Just go down this road and take a left. You'll run into a grocery store in about twenty minutes or so." We both nod and slide out of the house unnoticed. I grab a coat beside the door and some gloves to better blend in when we're out. I slip on some boots by the door and Liya slips on some flats. We shut the door behind us and head to the side of the house where an old truck is.

"I'm not sure I should let you drive because of the last time." Akilina huffs and rolls her eyes at me.

"Just get in the truck, James." We part and I jump in the passenger side. Surprised, I note that there's only a bench seat. She starts up the truck and I put on the jacket as we start to roll down the dirt road. Liya stops me from putting on my gloves, instead taking my hand in hers. She smiles softly at me and I tighten my hand on hers.

"It's been a while since I've done something domestic like this." I tell her, a bit sheepish. Her lips twitch at that.

"That really isn't that surprising. Just get ready for a lot of high prices, junk food, and things no one needs." She warns me. I nod along to what she's saying.

"Do you think someone will recognize me?" I ask quietly, worry already creeping within my heart. Liya shakes her head immediately.

"I don't think so. First, we're out in the country. No one will expect you to be out here. Second, you look completely different with short hair. Third, no one is going to think you're grocery shopping with your girlfriend in the middle of nowhere." She explains logically. I grin happily when she calls herself my girlfriend.

"All good points. I like it best when you said you're my girlfriend." I scoot closer to her on the bench seat and see that lovely red fill her cheeks.

"That's what I am. Besides, isn't that what you introduced me as to Grant?" She says factually, not doubting her worth to me in the slightest. It's sexy as hell. I lift her hand to my mouth and kiss her knuckles, then trail my lips down to the tip of her pointer finger and kiss the tip. "James. Driving." She says, her face still a vibrant red. I grin mischievously.

"Alright, alright." I let our entwined hands fall into my lap. "But girlfriend isn't exactly what I called you." I tease her a little. She glances over at me when we stop to turn left.

"James Barnes, what did you say?" She asks firmly, now a little concerned. I grin at her, kissing her on the lips while I can. I'll never get over how soft her lips are, or that I can kiss her whenever I want.

"Nothing bad. I swear. I've been trying to teach Grant a little of all the languages I know. Russian, German, Romanian, and French." I explain. We start driving again and now I can see buildings in the distance.

"So, it was French you were speaking." She says, understanding. I smirk to myself. Seems I've avoided her question successfully for now. "Hey, read me what's on this list, would you? We didn't get the chance to before leaving." She hands me the now crumpled up piece of paper. I do my best to uncrumple it and start reading it out loud.

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