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^^This is the lullaby. You'll know what I'm talking about later. ;)

*Five Years Later*

"Becca, what did I just say?"

"J. J! JAMES!"

"Roger, don't you dare-" I'm interrupted by a truck coming down the road and a chorus of dad! Sighing, I look at Victoria in relief. She sets down Sarah so she can run to her father and I help her pregnant-self out and down the steps. "So, after all this, you're going to have a third?" I emphasize and she laughs as we wait for our husbands to work through the sea of children. Her hands smooth over her growing stomach fondly before her brown and green eyes meet my blue ones.

"It's not like this was on purpose. Snipping super-soldiers isn't exactly something that had been done before, so I guess we just should've been more careful before...letting things go." We both giggle as the men finally start walking over with the kids, groceries in every available hand. "Keep that in mind for you two." She elbows me and I'm quick to open the door for the men.

"Took you long enough. Still in awe of the prices, grandpas?" I tease and they both roll their eyes. Bucky steps aside and gives me a quick kiss while Steve does the same to Victoria.

"Actually, we ran into someone on our way here. Should be along in a minute." Steve responds and ducks into the cabin just as Victoria and I hear the rumble of an engine.

"Oh Christ." Victoria mumbles and I grin. Figuring the boys and children can handle the groceries, I help Victoria down the stairs once again before turning to the young man dismounting his motorcycle. "This is all Steve's fault you know. And Bucky's. Riding their damned bikes around."

"First, I can hear you Victory." Grant grins and pecks her cheek. "Second, you love this thing and don't pretend you don't. Third, where on earth are my favorite nieces and nephews?" Grant asks and secures his brown leather jacket on his shoulders before mussing his wild golden-brown curls.

"And what about your favorite aunt, asshole?" I snap and he turns that charming smile to me while struggling to hug Victoria. God, I let him spend too much time with Bucky.

"Sorry, Li-li. Would a hug make up for it?" He wraps me in his arms and I shake my head at just how big he's gotten. He's nearly the size of Bucky and Steve now.

"I'll accept it. Besides, the more hands to watch the munchkins here, the better. Everyone is running late today." I sigh and release him. Vi runs a hand over his back and gestures to the cabin.

"You mind entertaining the kids for a while?" She asks and I swear, pregnancy has made her puppy eyes even more convincing. Grant instantly shifts to a fully-grown lion and roars. Immediately, the kids are sprinting out at full speed to tackle him. For Rebecca this is cheating since she is unfairly faster than the rest. So far, she's been the most surprising child of our little group. Bucky and I were surprised when one day she was crying, thank god this was when she became a toddler, and it started snowing. Inside the house. Luckily the snow calmed her down, but then Bucky and I were freaking out. In addition to being wicked fast, she controls atmospheric changes. The weather, basically. With her black curls, blue eyes, and a smirk more often than not on her pink lips, she's the spinning image of her father. With the sass to match, usually.

"Roger." I warn my youngest and he freezes in the middle of reaching out to pull his sister's hair. "Do we pull hair?" I ask and his hand lowers while his bottom lip juts out.

"No ma'am. Sorry." He apologizes and waits until I smile before simply tackling Becca instead. Now Roger is a mini-me. Dirty blonde waves plopped on the top of his head and darker blue eyes tell that he favors me. He can control light and that's pretty much an explanation for his entire personality. Although, his sister would probably say otherwise. Steve and Ria's oldest, James, reminds me so much of Grant. Light brown curls that are impossible to brush fall to his chin and their skin tone is the same. James does have Steve's eyes, but the rest is Victoria. His ability was a bit hard to decipher.

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