Chapter Fourteen-The Fam's All Here

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Chapter Fourteen

The Fam's All Here

*Akilina's POV*

Finally, Clint opens the door and almost sprints to the house, excited to see his family I'm sure. I reach down to grab my bag, but Bucky beats me to it. I smile at him in thanks and we walk out after everyone together. The place is absolutely beautiful. The house is at least two stories and a sweet yellow color with green shutters. The land is green, rolling, and I think I even see a small pond in the near distance. Overall, it's extremely charming and cozy. I can't wait to meet the wife. We reach the stairs and I jog up them and grab Bucky's hand as he leads me inside where everyone else is.

"Nice to see you again, Mrs. Barton."

"Steve, please call me Laura. I'm not an eighty-year-old woman yet." I grin at her words, liking her already. Apparently, we're in a line as all the Avengers go and greet Laura Barton. When I finally get to her she looks a little surprised. "I'm sorry, I don't know your name." She says apologetically as we shake hands. Laughing, I take her hand in both of mine and shake.

"Oh no, no reason to be sorry. I'm more recent than everyone else," I explain. She nods, smiling brightly like a good hostess. "My name is Akilina. Liya for short. It's very nice to meet you. Thank you so much for letting all of us children in your home, I'm sure you have your hands full already." I say genuinely. Her smile turns more genuine as we release each other's hand.

"Having three other kids can be a handful, but actually, the more people here the more eyes can be on them." I laugh along with her and move along the line, suddenly aware that I'm monopolizing her. Bucky introduces himself like a true gentleman as the rest of us struggle to fit in the small space. We all look up when we hear another engine sound and Steve is out the door in a second. I nod to Laura on my way out and stop when I get to the porch. Rhodes, T'Challa, Tony, and Victoria are here. Steve, of course, is the first to greet them. Victoria pulls in her black velvet wings just after she lands and she only spends a second on the ground before she's lip-locked with Captain America. Sighing, I lean my elbows on the porch railing and watch the extraordinarily happy couple. I nod to Tony, T'Challa, and Rhodes on their way inside, but don't join them. Instead, someone comes out to join me. Arms wrap around me and I can tell it's James from the woodsy scent that surrounds me. He moves close to me so his chest is pressed against my back. My smile comes easily.

"What do you think?" He asks me quietly, his lips right beside my ear. I blush at his closeness and rest my arms on his, putting my hands inside his. I haven't done a lot of spooning in my time, but snuggling with Bucky feels really nice. I continue to look out at Victoria and Steve as they kiss and smile at each other.

"What do I think of what? Steve's kissing technique?" I tease and make James laugh airily. Steve and Victoria nod at us as they pass, then go inside. Sighing, I straighten up and turn around, making Bucky move away from me a little. I head down the stairs and start walking towards the pond, James by my side.

"No, but I'll pay you to advise him on his kissing technique," he jokes. "I meant, what do you think of the farm?" His question seems to have more weighing on it than just wanting to know my opinion, so I hesitate slightly before answering.

"I think it's beautiful here." I say, looking around at the hills, the pond, the trees. "It's much more peaceful than anywhere else I've been." I continue, looking back at him. He looks calmer in this environment as well. His eyes seem to have taken on more green from the surroundings and are now more of a light turquoise than blue. His arms swing lazily by his side as he walks, his shoulders seemingly now without the weight of the world. It's a good look on him. We sit down beside the pond and I put my legs over his lap just so I can be touching him. He doesn't seem to mind. He puts his hand on my leg and rubs little circles on my knee with his thumb as he speaks again.

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