Chapter Ten-Kiss Me

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(^^^Not my edit)

Chapter Ten

Kiss Me

To say I'm surprised would be an understatement. One second I'm humiliating myself by rambling, then he's touching me, holding me, kissing me, and all other thoughts go out the window. His metal arm wraps around my waist and I can feel the cold metal through the thin fabric of my tank top. I don't mind it, though. My body is so filled with heat that the temperature difference is more than welcome. His other hand cups the back of my neck to keep me firmly in place. As if I'm going anywhere. I tilt my head to the right as he tilts his head to the left when our lips touch. Finally, finally, I can tangle my hands in his hair and I do. I put his face between my hands and brush my fingers through the black silk, loving every wisp. We part for just a moment and I'm extremely pleased to hear his rough breathing.

"I have wanted to do that since meeting you." I breathe and look into those bright blue eyes. They're even more beautiful up close.

"You should have. I wouldn't have minded." He teases, his breath still coming out quick and short. He stares at me as if I'm a jewel on a pedestal. Beautiful, but out of reach. "You are incredible. Fantastic, you know that?" He whispers and I smile. I kiss him again, wanting to feel his lips again. His lips are hungry, wanting, and I could match that...but I don't. I'm used to the hunger, the lust, the mad, passionate rush to take all clothes off and just be skin to skin. This...this should be different. This is James, I want his to be more than just...physical. I've got to take my time with this one. He's eager and presses harder, but I place a hand on his chest and whisper against his lips.

"Let me take the reins on this one." I murmur onto his lips and he groans. Stubborn boy. Both of his hands come up and hold my head between them.

"Do you know how long it's been since I've been affected like this by someone? Cared like this for someone?" He asks, brushing his lips against mine. I take a deep breath to steady myself. I'm usually good at controlling myself, but James makes everything feel brand new. I shiver, although it has nothing to do with the chilly air. I hum against his lips and earn another groan. Damn, that's hot.

"Well, your lack of practice doesn't seem to have effected your skill." I get a laugh out of him and adore the feeling of his smile against my lips. "Trust me, okay?" I ask and after one last touch of his lips to mine he backs up a little and sighs, giving in. His hands return to his sides and I laugh lightly at him. So silly. Grabbing his hands, I wrap his arms around my waist and he instantly pulls me flush against his body, making me grin. I put a hand on his face and he leans into it sweetly. I run my thumb across his scruffy cheek and lean back into him. We connect and both of us close our eyes. Things are better felt with the eyes closed, anyways. I feel every curve of his lips with mine, then my tongue. I feel the delicious contrast of his soft lips and his rough scruff, how his arms tighten inexplicably around my waist, his irregular breaths breathing in my mouth, on my mouth, on my cheeks. It's absolute bliss kissing Bucky Barnes. Which is why of course, I have to stop. I put both of my hands on his chest and push him away, or push me away from him. Either way, we're no longer kissing and that makes me sad. A look at Bucky's face lets me know he feels the same. I smile, still a bit weak in the knees, and shake my head. "Sorry, sorry. I just..." I close my eyes to steady myself a little. Opening them I meet Bucky's lightning blue eyes, filled with concern and leftover lust. Still absolutely gorgeous. I wiggle a bit and his arms loosen, but he doesn't release me. He smirks and I sigh, I don't want him to let me go anymore that he wants to let go of me. He knows it too.

"Hey, just talk to me. Honesty, right?" He nods at me in encouragement and I stop my squirming. Relaxing back into his arms, I smile at his little smile. I exhale and nod.

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