Willie's Coming For Ya

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Daniel and Alec are the first to approach the Funhouse. Time for them to see what this latest challenge has in store.
"Wish us luck, guys."

"Good luck!" The group chants together.

As soon as they step into the elevator, it starts spinning, which causes the Professor and the Novelist to feel a bit sick to their stomachs.
"Oh, okay!" They grab at the blue-and-white walls in an attempt to slow things down, but there's no way to slow down this ride.
"Stop us!"

Eventually, the elevator stops, and they're deposited into a bright pink room.
"Okay." There are balloons everywhere. It's like one of the best birthday parties they could ask for.
"Oh! This is fun!" As both boys wade their way through the balloons, Alec accidentally pops one. "Oh!" He jumps.
"Jesus Christ!" Even though this room is awesome, they better stay on his guard. They can't trick themselves into believing that they are safe.

Not yet, anyways

After a few minutes, Bryan and Olivia come in, followed by Shaadira and Devon. Both boys couldn't be happier with this arrangement, this small group of theirs happens to be one of their favorites. Together, the six of them are a force to be reckoned with.

Alec finds a box of candy and a note.

That wretched woman hid all five of my treats

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That wretched woman hid all five of my treats. Put them back where they belong. And relax, you only need one per row. There's some extra in case you lose them.

Presumably, the six of them need to start popping some balloons in order to find Willy's pieces of candy

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Presumably, the six of them need to start popping some balloons in order to find Willy's pieces of candy.

And after that, we need to put those candies in the box to complete his nicely arranged candy collection.

"Grab a pin!" Daniel instructs the others.
"We need to find...we need to find treats...I'm assuming...hidden in the balloons."

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