J U L Y 18

100 11 7

6:34 PM

"This is Taemin," Jimin smacked his hand onto Taemin's thigh.

"aISH," Taemin shoved Jimin's shoulder playfully, "ten seconds in and you're already embarrassing me."

Jimin gave a full face smile. Taemin shook his head before looking at Jungkook expectantly.

"Jungkook," Jungkook gave a small nod. Taemin eyes glinted as he seated himself. Taemin's silver hair was gelled up to expose his forehead, his jawline was angular and his eye's held an intense gaze. Jungkook's jaw clenched.

There was no denying that Taemin was handsome.

"Two Americanos please, Jungkook," Taemin winked. Jungkook paused before giving a small nod in response. Once Jungkook's back disappeared out of sight Taemin spun himself to face Jimin.

"He's quite attractive," Taemin sighed, "but unfortunately not type." Jimin chuckled.

"Thirsty as always," Jimin shook his head. Taemin gripped Jimin's thigh.

"Don't start acting like you're any better," Taemin quirked his eyebrow, "even the new recruits know the rumors about you."

Jimin threw his head back at the sudden memory of the rumours buzzing around in his office. Taemin smiled as Jimin collapsed laughing.

"L-like the one where they thought w-we were," Jimin hiccuped, "dAting."

Taemin snickered as he pinched Jimin's cheek. "Hey, you bastard, I'll have you know that it's an honour-"

Taemin was cut short by the sound of a loud thump. Jungkook stood looming over the two; hands clenching the two coffee cups.

"Yah. Be quieter would you? My customers are complaining," the corner of Jungkook's lip twitched as he bore into Taemin's eyes.

"Ah, sorry about that," Taemin sheepishly smiled. Taemin clasped Jimin's shoulder, "this one can be quite loud at times."

Jungkook's shot a look at Taemin's hand before dismissively waving. "Just keep it down," Jungkook turned to take an incoming order.

Jimin raised an eyebrow at Taemin before pointing at himself, "Me? I'm the loud one?"

"Aish, that boy was staring lasers at me," Taemin tenderly stroked his hand. Jimin leaned back before smirking. Taemin could tell the gears in Jimin's head were turning. Jimin looked around him before making eye contact with Taemin.

"What is it?" Taemin confusingly furrowed his eyebrows. Jimin eyes quickly glanced to the side before scooting closer to Taemin. Taemin followed Jimin's gaze... −−> Jungkook?

"You have coffee on your cheek," Jimin whispered before reaching out to touch Taemin's face. But before Jimin's small fingers could reach the older's face, a certain someone had slipped in between Jimin and Taemin.

Jimin had an unidentifiable expression on as he looked up at Jungkook. Jungkook had reached across the table to grab a salt shaker; his eyes not leaving Jimin's for a second.

"Oh, sorry, I just needed to grab something."

A/N: I got his phone number.

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