J U L Y 29

118 8 9

Trigger warning: This excerpt contains mentionings of suicide.

10:59 PM

"I couldn't do it," Jimin's voice was hollow. The sweetness that once laced his voice as now replaced with deep sorrow.

It'd been about an hour since Jimin had lifelessly slumped into the cafe. His head buried deep within his arms; not a word slipping past his quivering lips. Jungkook snapped his head towards Jimin.

"Couldn't do what?" Jungkook's voice sounded a little more smoothed out.

Jimin intertwined his fingers together, squeezing his hands in an attempt to control the trembling. Jimin opened his mouth to speak, but soon after, shut it. This happened a few more times before he let out an exasperated sigh.

"I-I was on the bridge," Jimin trembled as he raked his hand through his hair, "I was going to do it Jungkook but I-I pulled out last minute and I-," Jimin spoke fast. His words slurring together incoherently.

Jungkook froze feeling as though ice cold water had been poured down his neck. He stomach suddenly felt heavier. Mouth tensing up, Jungkook carefully picked out his next words.

"What were you going to do?" Jungkook asked slowly with his full attention on Jimin. Jimin eyes locked down on his fingernails. Chipped and torn at their edges as a result of his raging thoughts.

"I was going to jump," the words felt like needles on Jimin's tongue. Jimin's knuckles whitened as he dug his rigid nails into his slick skin. The swallowing void in Jimin's chest expanded, the pain of being less whole becoming more and more evident. As though admitting out it loud made everything real.

The vivid memory of the unforgivingly icy metal railing against his warm fingers. The sensation of the harsh winds swaying Jimin's frame as he clung onto dear life. Tears staining his slightly flushed cheeks, as his mind willed him endlessly, to let go. His arm a tethering Jimin to his very existence.

Then Jimin glanced down, into the untold depths of his fall, and it all came rushing at him.

The memories of his mother. Everything came rushing in like a tsunami. Feelings Jimin had stored away deep in the corridors of his heart suddenly came bursting out. Jimin almost had let go purely out of shock but had somehow managed to feebly draw himself back over the railing.

What came after was a blur of disconnected events. Arms hugging weak knees, lungs heaving heavily, world spinning, heart pounding against the cages of his chest; feeling like his body wasn't his own. Everything was so distant, and whenever Jimin tried to grasp onto the memories, everything would evaporate at the touch of his fingertips.

Jungkook anxiously tapped his foot on the floor. He'd thought Jimin was fine up till now. The man had come in every day acting like how he usually would. Poise, charming and elegant. Before this moment, Jungkook had been completely blind to Jimin's underlying suffering.

"Why?" Jungkook blankly asked. Mentally hitting himself for asking such a stupidly blunt question. But he couldn't help it when the words had fallen out of his mouth before he's even realized.

"I don't know," Jimin eyes frantic as he nervously nibbled at his nails, "I saw a text from my dad saying my monthly payment was lacking $1000, and everything just spiraled downwards from there."

"Payment?" Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, "For what?"

Jimin paused, a noticeably solemn expression washed over his face.

"For my mom's hospital bills."

A/N: I wish to banish all the ants in the world to the deepest depths of hell. :^)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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