J U L Y 26

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9:59 PM


The sugarless instant coffee, the boss's unyieldingly sharp tongue, and the iniquitousness of beige cubicles.

Jimin's tongue would immediately shrivel up inside his dry mouth just at the thought of it. Everyday was insufferable. The same bitterness replayed on Jimin's taste buds over and over again, like a broken record.

So it was quite inevitable that Jimin would wake up one day to the bitter taste of work, having dug itself down his throat. It had followed Jimin all the way to his tiny apartment and etched itself into everything he did.

Jimin used to like a lot of things. He'd used to love drawing, singing in the shower and a cute boy named Tony. But now, his nose would wrinkle up and his body would recoil from the mere thought of doing such activities again.

Everything was bitter and nothing could satisfy his thirst.

Except for the acidic liquid inside the alluring soju bottles. It still tasted bitter, but it was a different kind of bitterness. The type of bitterness that left Jimin raw and torn open. Bitterness that would empty out Jimin's stomach on the tiled kitchen floor. The feeling of regret, anguish, and suffering flowing through Jimin's body with every gulp. It was all too familiar to Jimin.

Regardless, Jimin fingers would find a way to wrap themselves around the sinful bottle once again.

At least, it was better than the numbing bitterness Jimin had learned to live with.

When will it all just stop?

"Welcome back, Jimin hyung,"

It was sweet.

His coarse voice, the way his eyes set ablaze and how his calloused fingers worked until they bled. Why was it all so sweet?

Yet so bitter?

Jungkook felt like sugar, but his words tasted like salt. Everything about Jungkook was new to him. Offering a sensation more addicting then Soju ever could.

Maybe it was because Jimin hadn't felt the warmth of comfort in so long or perhaps it was because Jungkook eerily reminded him of his mother.

None of it mattered.

What mattered was that Jimin had had a taste. He'd tasted Jungkook's glares on his skin and sharp words on his tongue. The way his words would slip into Jimin's mouth like honey, or how his doe eyes shared a resemblance to milk chocolate.

Oh man, was he hooked.

Hooked on that sweet Jungkook-shit.

"What are you thinking about?" Jungkook's smooth voice inquired.

"You," Jimin gave a small smile. Jungkook's cheeks tinted the tiniest bit pink.

So sweet.


Yet so bitter~.

A/N: Vietnam surprisingly isn't that hot rn, thank she-us :').

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