J U L Y 19

105 13 7

10:08 PM


Jimin hiccuped as he sloppily stumbled into the empty cafe. His suit jacket drooped lazily off his shoulder; covering the loosened tie that barely hung onto Jimin's neck.

Jungkook looked up wide-eyed before narrow his gaze at the green bottle wrapped in Jimin's fingers. Jimin muddily looked around before slumping into a seat.

Jimin took a hard swing from the tinted green beer bottle. The golden liquid seeping out the corners of Jimin's mouth.

Jungkook grimaced.

Jimin pulled away from the beer bottle's mouth. His clouded eyes slowly focusing in on the angry bunny standing in front of him.

"Yah. Are you crazy?" Jungkook scowled before forcefully grabbed the translucent bottle from Jimin shaking fingers. Jungkook's jaw tensed as he harshly dropped the almost empty bottle into the trash.

"There's no drinking in my cafe," Jungkook seethed through his teeth. Jimin paused, comprehending what just occurred before deliriously nodded in a hazy response.

Jimin slowly dragged the sleeve of his suit across his mouth, before digging out his silver phone. Jimin's hollow eyes stared at the illuminating screen. It was almost as if something inside Jimin had snapped.

"Mom..." Jimin suddenly hiccuped before letting out a small weep. Clear salty tears started rolling out down Jimin's flushed red cheeks.

Jungkook froze at the sudden sight of Jimin crying. The younger instinctively reached out before hesitantly pulling his hand back in. A long moment passed before Jungkook raked his hand through his brown hair.

Jungkook wasn't good at comforting people. He wasn't good at confronting his own emotions, let alone other people's. Not to mention it was currently 10:00 PM and Jimin just randomly barged in shitfaced, once again, to suddenly start crying.

He really could never catch a break with Park Jimin in his life.

"Mommy... why don't you pick up," Jimin's voice lowly rasped. He buried his face into the crook of his elbow before peered at the glowing screen of his phone. Sucking in his bottom lip, he shakily pressed his finger against the screen.

"I miss her, I miss her so much..." Jimin sorrowfully whispered as his eyes delicately fluttered close. Jungkook gaze melted at the sight of Jimin before looking down at his phone.


"We're sorry. You have reached a number that is disconnected or that is no longer in service."

A/N: How do 13-year-olds look like their 18? Like, people seriously mistake me for being 3 years younger than I actually am :(

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