Ch.1 Running Away

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Daisy's POV

This story will be mostly from Daisy's point of view. I will specify if it is not.

"You are surrounded! Come peacefully and no one will get hurt" The police officer yelled.

It was true, I was technically surrounded. That is if I didn't mind jumping off a 20 story building. Which in this case, seemed like the better option.

I ran to the side of the building dodging the bullets they were shooting at me. "Don't let her get away" the man yelled.

Right as I reached the edge I turned around and smirked at the men and women surrounding me before I fell backwards off the building.

Right before I landed I quaked the ground beneath me. Making it so I didn't fall to my death. Luckily I had learned to use my powers properly, otherwise that would have been bad.

I quickly ran down the street, eventually dodging into an ally way, loosing the people chasing me.

At this point being surrounded had become a joke. It happens quite often and every time I find a way out. I guess that's what happens when you're an inhuman on the run.

After I was positive they were gone. I walked to the nearest motel, hopping it would be a decent enough place to spend a few nights.

I opened the creaky door to my room, and closed my eyes as I walked inside. Most of these places freaked me out so I felt it was best not to look. They were almost always repulsing enough to make me throw up. There was one room that I actually did get sick in. I shuddered at the thought before finally gaining enough courage to open my eyes.

The walls were covered in the ugliest gold and red, flower wallpaper and the grey rug had stains on it that I didn't even bother to inspect. Other than that, the room wasn't terrible. The bed wasn't as hard as a rock and the pillows weren't just crumpled up newspapers.

   I groaned as I flopped back onto the bed. It didn't take long before my eye lids became heavy and I fell asleep.


The next few days I laid low. Most of my time was spent lying in my room watching whatever was on the crappy looking TV. After I had fallen asleep last night I had woken up not long after to a pain in my arm. Turns out that a bullet grazed my arm last night and when all the adrenaline from that event worry off the wound started to hurt. 

I trudged my tired body down the hallway and and to the lobby to book the room I was in for a few more nights. My plans were quickly changed though when a few police officers walked into the building. I quickly ducked back into the hallway where they couldn't see me and ran back to my room. I grabbed my simple black duffle bag that held all my belongings. I opened the window on my ground floor room and stepped outside. I took a deep breath before I started walking.

Hi guys. My name is Ally. Thanks for reading my Daisy and Ward fanfic.

I was a total SkyeWard shipper. ( Before we knew Ward was Hydra ) So I wanted to make a story that Ward wasn't Hydra in. 😁
Hope you like it! 💗


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