Ch 15.

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We we're surrounded. I looked down at Ward who was slowly losing consciousness.

I thought for a second then I looked down at Ward. "Don't move" I told him he slowly nodded. I laid Ward down on the ground and slowly stood up. Then I slammed my hand on the ground causing a seismic wave to come out knocking every one around us down. It had caused most of them to become unconscious but there were still a few left. The ones that got up I quickly knocked unconscious by sending out more seismic waves towards them. I picked up Ward in my arms and started walking away from the dock when someone grabbed me and stuck a needle in my neck. I turned around to see Garrett smiling. I lost feeling in my legs causing me to fall down with Ward on top of me. Then everything went black.


I slowly opened my eyes. There was light but it wasn't from any windows. I looked around trying to figure out where I was. I was in a cell. I was laying on a hard cot. There was a toilet and some food,water, and what looked like a first aid kit.That's when I remembered everything that happened. Out of the corner of my eye I saw another cot in cell. I looked over there. "Ward!" I yelled when I realized it was him laying on the other cot. I ran to him.

"Daisy?" He said very disoriented. He tried to sit up but cried out in pain.

"Lay down." I told him. I looked at his wound. It looked decently healed but Ward's arm should probably be in a sling. I quickly took off my jacket and made a temporary sling for Ward. It wasn't very practical but it would have to do. "Do you remember what happened?" I asked him.

"I remember being dragged out onto the dock and then being surrounded. Then you took the guards down but Garrett caught you by surprise and injected you with something. You fell down and I fell on top of you, when I tried to get off of you Garrett injected me with the same thing. Then everything went black."

"So Garrett must have taken us." I said looking around. We sat there for a minute in silence. "Wait." I said. Coming up with an idea.

"What?" Ward asked while sitting up.

"I can just quake our way out of here." I just up my hands hoping to make the bars fly back. But when I tried to use them nothing happened. "Why aren't my powers working." I asked confused.

"That's because you cell has power dampers on it." I knew that voice and it wasn't Ward's.

"Garrett." I say in a disgusted tone. "Where are we!" I yell.

"You are in a cell." He said with a diabolical laugh "and I'm not."

"Let Ward go!" I pleaded. "He has nothing to do with this."

"On the contrary." Garrett said smiling. "He has everything to do with this. He is leverage. As long as I have him you will do as I say."

Ward got up and walked over to Garrett. Ward looked Garrett straight in the eye and said "Go to hell." Ward then grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the cell door.

Garrett motioned his hand toward us.
Then two heavy armed men unlocked the door to our cell and started coming towards us. I punched one in the face while I kicked the other one in the thigh but they were wearing so much armor they barley even flinched. They grabbed me and a third guard walked over to Ward with Garrett following behind him.

"Now" Garrett said looking at me. "We need your help in taking down and of the grid SHIELD base."

"I will never help you!" I yelled, struggling to get out if the guards grasp.

"That's not true." He said. Then he pointed a gun at Ward's head.

I looked at Ward, tears filling my eyes. "Don't do it Daisy." Ward said. "Not for me."

"Ok. I'll do whatever you want me to. Just please don't hurt him!" I yelled.

"Good choice." Garrett said lowering his gun. "Take him away." Then the guard holding Ward grabbed him and dragged him out.

Hey everyone.
Sorry for not updating for a few days. I wasn't sure what to do next.
But thanks to hailquake I think I know what I want to happen.
Also I didn't have time to proof-read this so sorry if there is any mistakes.
Please don't forget to comment and vote! 💗

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