Ch 18.

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Heads up this chapter isn't revised. Sorry I didn't have time to read over it. I will later.

Ward's P.O.V.

"Ward, there is something you don't know about me."

I was so confused but I didn't really have time to ask questions because quickly Jemma returned to Coulson's side with Fitz and May. I looked over at Coulson with a confused look on my face.

Coulson saw my expression and quickly answered me. "I'll answer all you questions in the car, but for now we have to go."

He pushed me out the door and told me to get in his car. "You're letting me ride in Lola?" I asked sceptically. I know how much Coulson loves Lola.

"Just get in." Coulson said hurriedly. We both climbed in and we started to drive. I looked behind us to see Jemma and Fitz following behind us in a small black car and May behind them in a black truck.

"Where are we going?" I asked Coulson.

"To the base." Coulson said, not taking his eyes off the road.

"Base?" I asked, still confused.

"You'll see when we get there." Coulson said calmly.

We drove for about another 30 minutes before Coulson pulled up to an abandoned Barn in the middle of no-where.

"Coulson why are we here?" I asked slightly annoyed. "We need to help Daisy."

"We are." Coulson said as he parked Lola then got out. I followed him into the barn with Fitz, Jemma, and May behind us.

We walked in the barn. It was dark and smelled of something, but I couldn't figure out what. Coulson led us into the middle of the barn. Once we were all standing there Coulson stomped his foot on the ground three times.

Suddenly a blue grid ran over us individually. I'm pretty sure it was a scanner but I'm not sure. Suddenly a woman's voice started to speak. "Director Phil Coulson." It said scanning Coulson. "Agent Melinda May. Agent Jemma Simmons. Agent Leo Fitz."

Once the scanner finished with the others it went to me. "Intruder! Intruder!" It said in a raised voice. Suddenly multiple guns were pointed at me.

Coulson started talking. "Director Phil Coulson, level 10. Override 527. He's with us."

Once Coulson finished talking all the guns pointed at me turned away. I looked at Coulson with a shocked and confused look on my face. I was about to ask him what was going on but before I could say anything the ground below us started to shake. Then suddenly we were being lowered under the ground. "What is going on?" I asked but everyone just ignored my question.

I was in awe of what I saw. I looked over to Coulson.

"Ward," He said smiling, "welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D."

I know it's a short chapter, sorry. I'm also sorry it took so long for me to update. I hope you are liking this story. Don't forget to comment and vote. 💗

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