Ch 16

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Hey I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while. I will try and be more active with this story. I'm also working on another SkyeWard story that I hope will be up soon. Also, just a heads up, I didn't have time to edit this chapter so sorry if there are any mistakes.

"Where are you taking him?" I yelled at Garrett.

"Somewhere that will cause you to corporate." Garrett said smiling. He took out a tablet and turned it on. He clicked a few buttons and a live feed of Ward came on. "You see." Garrett said. "If disobey even in the slightest I can cut of his oxygen supply and he will slowly suffocate making his death very painfull."

I was watching Ward. It didn't look like they had hurt him to much, yet.
"What do I have to do?" I asked.


Garrett had gone over the plan multiple times. We were to go into the SHIELD base. It was a farily small base so it shouldn't be too hard. We were to raid the base. I was simply to use my powers for Hydra's advantage.

"Do you have it Daisy?" Garrett asked for the fifth time.

"Yah! I get it." I said annoyed. He glared at me and I did the same. Then he walked out of the room. Two guards led me out of the room and to a van that would take us to the SHIELD base. It was a long drive and the whole time I thought about Ward. "I hope he is ok." I thought.

"We're here." One of the guards said gruffly. I got out and we ran to the base. We were standing in the hallway that had two different paths.

"Men!" Garrett yelled. "You go left."
"Daisy." He said looking over to me. "You go right. If you don't come back when I call you Ward dies." I nodded my head and went down the right hallway. I sent out seismic waves multiple times that sent SHIELD agents back. I did it hard enough to knock them out; not kill them.

I was running when I heard someone yell. "Come peacefully and we won't hurt you." The voice was oddly familiar. I turned so I was facing them.

I turned my comp off so Garrett couldn't hear me. "Coulson!" I yelled shocked.

"Daisy?" He said confused. I ran to him and hugged him. "You're Hydra?" He asked.

"No." I said quickly. "I don't have much time. They have Ward captive and are forcing me to help them. If I don't Ward dies. Please Coulson," I begged, "help us."

"I will." Coulson said.

I heard someone coming down the hall. "Run Coulson." I said. He ran and I turned my comp on. I finished clearing what I was supposed to and met back up with Garrett. We all went back to the van to leave.

"Blow it up boys." Garrett said grinning.

"Oh no." I thought. "Those poor people."

Before I could say anything. One of the guards pressed a button and it blew the base up. "I hope Coulson got out of there." I thought.

We rode back to the Hydra base in silence. Once we got there Garrett ordered his men to lock me up. "Wait!" I yelled. "I helped you on a mission. Please let me see Ward."

Garrett thought for a minute. "Fine." He said. "You have five minutes." The guards lead me to where they were holding Ward. They unlocked the door and I ran in.

"Ward!" I exclaimed when I saw him. He was in the corner eating what ever kind of food they gave him.

"Skye!" He yelled. He got up and we ran and hugged each other. We kissed and then I hugged him harder.

"Did they hurt you?" Ward asked; pulling back to check me for injuries.

"No." I said. "I helped them on a mission and Garrett said I could see you for five minutes."

We hugged each other again. "Time's up." The guard said, coming into the room.

"What! No!" I said. The guard came over and pulled Ward and I apart.

"Let's go." The guard said as he yanked on my arm.

"I love you!" I yelled at Ward as the guard dragged me away.

"I love you too!" He yelled. Then the guard slammed the door, making it so I couldn't see Ward.

"Please!" I begged the guard. "Let me see him for a little longer!"

"No!" The guard said sternly.

"I can't do this anymore!" I yelled. The only reason I hadn't taken this whole place down was because I didn't know where Ward was. But now that I know I can save him and we can blow this joint.

The guards held my hands back but I hand just enough strength to aim my hands at the floor. I sent out a seismic wave that shook the ground. It caught the guards off guard which gave me enough time to break free if their grasp. I put my hands up and a seismic wave sent the guards flying back. I turned to the door and put both my hands on it. I sent out multiple seismic waves that sent the door off it's hinges and made it crash onto the back wall.

"Daisy?" Ward asked in a confused tone.

I ran over to him. "Don't worry Ward. We are leaving."

Ward was in good enough shape to be able to run on his own. I reached my hand down to help him up and he gladly took it.

I helped Ward up and we ran out of the room and into the maze of hallways. We ran down multiple hallways until we found a door.

"I think we are in the clear." Ward said. I was about to agree but I got interrupted. The sirens started to go off.

"Dang it!" I said; grabbing Ward's hand and leading him through the exit. I looked out. It looked like a clear shot from the base to the forest that was in front of us. Ward ran and I followed behind him. We were almost to the woods when I heard a gunshot. I whipped my head around and the bullet flew right past my head. If I was an inch to the right I would have been shot in the head. I looked back at Ward making sure the bullet didn't hit him. Once I knew he was ok I turned back around and put my hand up. I sent out a seismic wave that sent the Hydra agent back. I was slightly confused on why there was only one Hydra agent but I didn't think much of it.

Ward and I continued to run towards the woods. I heard a gunshot go off and I turned around. I immediately regretted the decision when I felt a stinging pain shoot through my leg. I looked down to see I was shot in the leg.

I fell to the ground. "Daisy!" Ward exclaimed. He ran back over to me and bent down. The Hydra agents we're advancing on us.

"Go." I told Ward.

"What!" He yelled. "I'm not leaving you."

"Ward." I said. "If both of us get caught then no one will be able to call the police. You need to run and get help." We were both crying now. "Please." I begged.

Ward kissed me and I kissed him back. "I love you." He told me.

"I love you too." I said. The he got up and ran.

When the Hydra agents got to me they cuffed me with the power dampening cuffs and dragged me off.

"He's gone." One of the Hydra agents announced.

"It's ok." Another said. "We got the girl. He's not important. Forget about him."

They threw me into a cell. My leg was throbbing. A doctor came in and patched me up then they left me alone. I fell asleep knowing that Ward was safe.

Hey everyone.
Here's a new chapter!🎉
I hope you like it.
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