Ch 9. Quake

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     Days passed by, fading into weeks and I was still at Ward's. I was fully healed but I just couldn't leave. Ward and I went on a few more dates. We went to the movies, on walks in the city, and we ate at the diner alot. Every time we went out I could feel myself getting closer to Ward. As hard as I tried, I was falling in love with him, and I couldn't avoid that.

3 days later...

     "Come on! Please!" "Fine" Ward said reluctantly. I had convinced him that we had to go to the diner tonight. Last time we were there Coulson told me that a band would be playing there tonight. "Yay" I said smiling. "Ok. But until then.." Ward started " I have to go to the store for a few different things. Do you need anything?" "No" I said. "But wait one second." I ran to my room I grabbed the money I had made from helping Coulson at the diner. "Here" I said as I put the money in his hand. "No. I'm not taking you money." Ward said. "Please Ward." I argued. "You always buy the groceries, you pay for dinner when we go out, and you let me stay here for free." "Daisy I can't." "Please" I begged. "Alright." Ward said. "But just know I don't want to do this. The only reason I'm doing it is because I'm scared you might quake me against the wall." He was laughing but my face went dead serious. "What's wrong?" He asked. "This is the first time you have said anything about my powers." "Daisy" he said "I know that you're an inhuman and I know that you are on the run from the authorities." I stayed silent. "But" he started " I didn't think it was something I needed to bring up. I knew you would talk to me about it when you were ready." I still hadn't said anything. "I have to go." He said. He hugged me and then left.

     I didn't do much while Ward was gone. I just sat on the couch and watched some TV. By the time Ward got back from the store we only had an hour before we left to go to the diner. "I'm home!" Ward said as he burst through the door. "Hey" I said hopping up from the couch. I walked over to Ward as he set the groceries on the counter. "I want to apologise." Ward said. "What on Earth could you possibly have to apologise for?" I asked. "For what I said earlier... about your powers. I shouldn't have said anything." "It's fine" I reassured him. "It's just I've been here for weeks now and you haven't said anything about it. So it just caught me off guard. That's all." "Ok." Ward said. "But I want you to know that you being an inhuman doesn't bother me." "Really?" I asked. He looked at me and with full honesty said "Yes."

     After that we both went to our room to get ready. Ward was already waiting for me in the kitchen when I walked out. "Wow." He said. "Wow what?" I asked. "You look amazing!" He said. I was blushing so hard right then. I was wearing a pink dress with a neckline that dipped down and I had in a gold bracelet and necklace. "Thank you." I said. "Shall we?" He asked while chuckling. "We shall" I said.

     "Ward, Daisy!" Coulson exclaimed as we walked through the door. "Coulson!" I said and hugged him. "Your regular table is open." Coulson said. "Thank you!" Ward said as they both hugged. Ward and I went to our usual table and sat down. A waitress walked over to us to take our order. "She must be new." I thought. "Hello. My name is Jemma and I'll be your server today. " She had the biggest smile on her face. "Hi" Ward said. "Can I have a Coke please?" "Yes and for y..." She stopped when she looked at me. She had a look of almost fear in her eyes. "You..." Jemma said quietly but you could tell she was petrified. "You're Quake!" She said. "You're the one the police are looking for." "You're not from around here?" I asked. "No." She said. "I'm from New York and you are all anyone ever talks about there." She was panicking now. "I have to call the cops." She said while running away.  I looked a Ward. I didn't know what to do. Ward went to go after her but she had already called 911. "Yes. Hello. This is Jemma Simmons. I am a waitress at Coulson's Diner. The inhuman you call Quake is here right now." I couldn't hear the rest of the call because Ward pulled me out the back door into the alley way. "I have to go." I said. "Ok then let's go!" Ward said. "No Ward! I have to go alone. By staying with you I'm only putting your life in danger." "It will be a cold day in Hell before I leave you." He said to me. "Ward. We can't stay together. If you were to stay with me you would constantly be on the run. Never safe. I can't ask you to do that." That's when I noticed the police sirens. "You can say whatever you want to. I'm not leaving you and you don't have a choice in the matter." He was dead serious now and the most concentrated I've ever seen him. "I love you" I said. "I love you too!" And with that he grabbed me and pushed his lips into mine. For just a split second I felt safe. That was until I Ward fell back. "What's wrong?" I asked. And when I looked down I saw Ward with a bullet wound in his shoulder.

Sorry for not updating this story for a few days. I've been really busy.
But to make up for it I made this chapter alot longer than my other ones.
I also didn't have time to proof-read this so I'm sorry if there are any typos or anything like that.
I hope you are liking my story.
Please comment your thoughts! 💗
Also I forgot to put titles on the last two chapters. Sorry.

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