Ch 13. Missing

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     "Ward!" I yelled as I looked around the room. It wasn't that big but I felt like yelling helped. I didn't get an answer. I ran down to the front desk.

     "Hello." The lady greeted in a friendly voice.

     "Hi." I said frantically. "Did you know where the patient Grant Ward is? I went to his room, room 43, and he wasn't there. And from what I understand he isn't supposed to leave his room.

     The lady checked something on her computer. "I'm sorry miss but this says that he hasn't been moved."

     "But that doesn't make sense." I said frustrated. "He isn't able to walk fully on his own yet so he couldn't have just got up and left."

     "Are you positive you checked the right room?" The woman asked.

     "Of course I am!" I yelled very aggravated now. The lady looked at me with shock. "Sorry. It's just I don't know where he could have gone. Is there anything you can do?" I asked.

     The lady looked at me for a few seconds. Then she turned away and walked farther behind the desk. She pressed a few buttons then the hospital's intercom turned on. The lady cleared her throat. "We have a missing patient. His name is Grant Douglas Ward. If anyone has any information regarding this person please report to the front desk immediately."

     "Thank you." I said when she came back. I stood by the desk waiting for something but the only thing that was said was that they hadn't seen him in a few hours and none of the staff new where he was. That was when the police were called.

     "Hello?" The lady said into the phone. "We have a missing patient. His name is Grant Douglas Ward. No one has seen him in a few hours and he is not at full strength to walk on his own." She was in the phone for a few more seconds before she put it down. She turned to me. "They are on there way."

     "Thank you." I said.


     "Do you have a picture of him?" The police officer asked me.

     "Yes." I pulled out my phone to show the police officer a picture of Ward doing a dorky face while eating at Coulson's.

     The police officer studied the picture before giving me my phone back. "To help with this investigation can you please go back to Grant's house and look around for anything that might seem suspicious."

     I couldn't think of anything that I would fine but I agreed. "Of course."

     "If you find anything please bring it down to the station."

      "Yes. Thank you"

     I drove back to Ward's house and parked the car. I felt inside my pocket for the key to the front door. "Dang it!" I said when I realized it wasn't there. I must have forgot it inside last time I was here. I reached behind a flower pot where a spare key was kept. I unlocked the door and walked inside. I went to set my things down in my room when I saw something in the corner of my eye. There were flowers sitting on the counter. They were bright red roses. "Flowers" I thought. "Where on Earth did these come from?" There was a card leaning against them. I walked up to them and carefully picked the card up. I opened it up and read it...

     Dear Daisy,

     We know your secret. We find it kind of funny that Quake the inhuman has chosen to stay in Chicago for such a long time. Considering you've never stayed in one place to long. We have you boyfriend and if you ever want to see him again you will meet us down at the docks by the Chicago river at mind night tonight. We will wait for you for ten minutes if you do not show up on time  you will find Grant's dead body waiting there for you instead and if you tell anyone about this his life less body will show up on your doorstep. We are watching you.

                        Your Good Friend,

I'm going to be completely honest. At first I was just going to write it where Ward was sitting in the couch behind her. But I thought this would be better. 😁😈
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