Ch. 17 Getting Help in an Unexpected Place

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This is going to be partially in Ward's point of view!

Ward's POV

I ran through the forest for what felt like hours. I was about to collapse when I saw a river. "That must be the Chicago River!" I exclaimed out loud, even though no one was around.

I followed the river for a few miles before I finally figured out where I was. I ran down multiple roads until I got to Coulson's Dinner.

I burst through the door and collapsed on the ground.

"Grant!" Coulson yelled when he saw me fall down. He ran over and helped me up. "What's wrong?" He asked, concerned.

I tried to speak but my throat was too dry. Coulson motioned to a waitress who brought me a glass of water. I looked up to see it was that one girl. Jemma I think her name was. She nodded her head towards me then walked away.

(A/n I don't know if you remember this but Jemma was the one who called the cops on Daisy.)

Coulson walked me over to a booth. Once I was seated he took the seat across from me. "What happened?" Coulson asked as he looked me up and down.

I didn't expect Coulson to understand any of what I was about to say but I was going to tell him anyway.

I opened my mouth to speak but only fragments of the sentences came out.
"Skye...Shield...captured...Hydra...!" I managed to get out before I was out of breath again.

I looked up at Coulson. I expected his face to be confused. It was, but that wasn't the only thing I noticed. It seemed like he understood what I was saying.

"Did you say Hydra?" Coulson asked concerned.

"Yes I did." I paused for a second. "I have to go to the police." I said getting up. I don't know why I didn't just go there first. They could be torturing Skye right now and I'm just here talking to Coulson.

I was about to walk out the door when Coulson grabbed my arm. "I have to go!" I yelled at him ripping my arm away from his grasp.

"No Ward." Coulson said quickly. "There is nothing they could do."

"What?" I asked confused. I trust Coulson but how would he know the police can't do anything.

He didn't answer me. "Jemma!" Coulson called. She ran over. "Go get Fitz and May. We have a problem" He said quickly. She ran away.

"Why did you need to get the cook and another waitress?" I asked confused.

He looked back over at me. "Ward, there is something you don't know about me."


Skye's POV

"Ahhh!" I screamed as one of the men jabbed a pocket knife into my shoulder.

Hot tears were running down my cheeks as my vision started getting blurry.

My eyes started to close as one man punched me in the face. "Wake up!" He yelled with a smug smile on his face.

I grunted. Once you had been whipped on the back and had a knife shoved into your shoulder a punch didn't hurt that bad.

I tried using my powers again but, just like the last 5 times I've tried to use them, they didn't work. There was some kind of power dampener in this room.

I spat out blood after the man punched me yet again. "I'm going to ask you again." One of the men said in a gruff voice. "Where is Coulson?"

I was still confused by this question. It didn't make sense to my why this man thought I knew a Coulson. I did know one but there was no way he had anything to do with this.

"Like I told you last time!" I yelled at him. "I don't know."

He grabbed the knife that was still in my shoulder and pulled it out.

"Ahhhh!" I yelled.

"That will be enough for now." A man said. I looked up to see an older man, who had white hair, and was wearing a grey suit.

The two men who were torturing me put the special hand cuffs, that made it so I couldn't use my powers, on me. They then untied me from the chair and roughly dragged me back to my cell.

One guard opened my cell door then the other threw me in. I grunted when I hit the cold, concrete floor. They shut the door and I slowly looked up. In the corner there were a few bandages. I carefully walked over to them and started patching up my shoulder, from where the knife was, and my back, from them whipping me.

Once I was done. I ate the little, and barely edible, food they left for me then crawled into my hard cot. I pulled the thin blue blanket over me and as I drifted off to sleep, the only thing I could think about was Ward.


Yay!! A new chapter. Sorry it took so long for me to update the story. I really hope you like it. Don't forget to vote and comment. 💗

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