Ch. 3 A Stranger In The Dark

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    I threw open the door to my room and sprinted out into the hallway. Going towards the exit would mean running into multiple officers so I ran further down the hallway. I was quickly stopped though when I reached the end of the hallway. There was no way out. There were no windows, no where to hide, and the police were closing in on me.

So I did the only logical thing I could think of. I quaked a huge hole right in the side of the building. My arms ached when I did but I ignored the pain as best as I could and kept going. I jumped out the hole in the wall and started to run.

"Over there! Get her!" Someone yelled. I ran even faster. With all the adrenaline, I didn't realize how badly my arms hut from quaking a hole in the wall.

I started to sprint through the parking lot. I heard heavy foot steps behind me and I glanced over my shoulder. Multiple officers were trailing after me. I held out my arms to quake them back but instead of usuing my powers I just fell backwards yelling out in pain. "Ow!" I screamed falling onto my butt, and it only got worse from there.

     I scrambled to get back up and started running again. After what felt like ages of running, I ducked into an ally way. I had lost most of them but it was quite possible there were still a few after me.

After about a half an hour of me sitting in the ally way, quietly, making sure no one else was coming to get me, I pulled my hood over my head and started to walk, on the sidewalk, the opposite way of the motel I was just at.

I had taken approximately six steps when someone yelled at me from behind. "Stop right there!"

I stopped walking and slowly turned around. There was a police man standing there. He was shaking as he held his gun up at me. "You are under arrest!" He yelled shakily.

I sighed and lunged toward him but before my hand even touched him he fired his gun.

I screamed out in pain as I fell onto the concrete. I looked down to the source of the pain to see that the bullet had gone into my arm.

I turned around and quaked the guy back so far he hit his head on the ground and was nocked unconscious. Using my powers only made it worse. I was screaming. The pain was unbearable. At this moment in time I thought I was going to die. Then suddenly I heard footsteps, they were loud on the concrete sidewalk, and they were coming right at me.

I used the little strength I had left to hold up my less injured arm. "Don't shoot!" I yelled at the stranger. But instead of holding up a gun they held up their hand. "I'm not going to hurt you" he said in a deep voice. " I'm here to help." He was definitely taller than me, he looked gruff, but something about his facial features calmed me.

"We have to get you to a hospital" he said.

"No" I whispered.

"I have to." He argued. "You need immediate medical attention."

"You can not take me to the hospital" I said quietly, tears falling down my face. "Do you know anyone with any kind of medical training?" I asked

"Actually, I do" he answered. "Just hold on, I know what to do" and with that he picked me up bridal style and started to run.


He carried me into a house. "Where are we?" I asked quietly. The blood loss started to make my head pound and vision blur.

"My house" he responded as he laid me down on what felt like the couch.  "Relax" he told me before jogging away. " Drink this" he told me as he handed me a little cup.

There was a small part of me that was yelling at myself that I was trusting a complete stranger. But that voice was quickly silenced as I drank whatever was in that cup.

It wasn't long after I finished it that I passed out.

Guess who just finished another chapter! Me!
Should I make the chapters longer or do you like the length they are at now?
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