Ch.2 Anywhere But Here

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Daisy's POV

My legs ached as I finally found a bus station. Tired and out of breath, I collapsed on the nearest bench.
I wasn't sure where I should go. I figured a big city would probably be easier to hid in.

"1:30 bus to Chicago leaves in 15 minutes." A deep voice said over the intercom of the station. I walked up to the front desk.

"Are there any tickets left for the 1:30 bus to Chicago?" I asked.

The lady looked up from her computer. "Yes there are." She said smiling.

"Can I purchase one please?" I asked.

"Of course you can!" She exclaimed before handing me a ticket.  "That will be $4.75." She told me. I handed her the money then walked away.

    Once I was on the bus I found a seat in the very back. A few more people climbed on the bus. Not many though, and none of them.came near me, which was nice.

"Ok everyone this is the 1:30 Bus to Chicago. Please take your seats." The driver said. He continued talking but before he could finish I was already asleep.

"We have now arrived in Chicago! Thank you for choosing us as your ride!" I slowly opened my eyes to let them adjust to the light. Once u had regained my vision I realized that almost everyone was getting off the bus. I quickly grabbed my bag and got off the bus.

I stilled around the city, searching for somewhere to stay. I didn't have much money left and everything I could find was way to expensive. So I continued walking until I was further out of town. When night settled I finally came across a motel that I could afford.

I walked up to the front desk. "I need a room." I said bluntly.

The teenage girl, who looked bored, simply said. "$20 a night." I handed her a twenty dollar bill and she tossed me a key. "Down that hallway." She pointed.

I looked down at the key that had a little white 13 on it. "Thanks." I muttered before walking to my room.

When I finally reached what was supposed to be my room there were two, obviously drunk, men standing in front of my door. I was really tired and not in the mood to deal with them. They were laughing loudly at something when I yelled, "Hey!"

Their laughter stopped abruptly as they both turned to look at me. "You're standing in front of my door." I told them.

The taller one of the two smirked at me and stepped closer. "Sorry sweetie we didn't know." He slurred.

The shorter one jerked his friend's shoulder back. "Back off man! I saw her first!" He yelled.

"No you didn't!" The tall one yelled.

"Hey!" I yelled at them. "I don't care who saw me first! Just move so I can get in my room!"

"Oh baby, don't be that way." The tall one said, taking another step towards me.

I stepped backwards. "Stay away." I warned.

"You don't really want me to do that,  do you?" The taller one said as he placed a hand on my waist.

I shoved his hand off of me. "I warned you." I said before putting my a up and quaking him back so he hit the wall.

"Ow!" I yelled as I stumbled backwards, trying not to fall.

When I looked up, the smaller one was gone, and the taller guy was still laying on the floor, a couple yards away, unconscious.

I quickly ran into my room. I tossed my bag on the bed before throwing open the door to the bathroom.  I carefully took my gloves off and when I did I saw that both my arms were covered in bruises.

"I must be using my powers to often." I thought as I inspectef my arms.

This had never happened to me before. I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, starring at myself.
I stood there for a minute. Looking at myself. I felt bad and looked bad too. My body ached, I hadn't had a good sleep in months so I was always tired, and I hadn't eaten properly in a while too.

I was snapped out of my trance when I heard police sirens getting louder by the second. That's when I realized that not five minutes earlier someone saw me use my powers. They must have called the cops. "Crap!" I thought. I peaked my head around the dirty curtain that was hanging over the single window.  Police cars surrounded the building. The sirens blared so loud it hurt my ears.

I was trapped...again.

---------------------------------------------------------Hey everyone. I hope you are liking my fanfic. Thanks for reading! 💗

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