Ch 6. Milkshakes

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It had been about a week and I was still staying at Ward's house. A few times, the first few days I was there, I had tried to leave but every time Ward caught me and forced me back inside. Eventually I gave up and just agreed to staying here until I was healed. 

It was early morning and I was currently sitting on the couch, my legs tucked under a blanket, and drinking the last cup of coffee we had in the house. I was mostly healed. The bruises that were scattered all over my body had disappeared and the cuts had scabbed. The only thing that wasn't much better was my arm. Every time I tried using it I felt excruciating pain. 

"Good morning!" Ward exclaimed as he walked out of his bedroom.

"Morning" I said, taking the last sip of coffee. 

He walked into the kitchen and went to get himself some coffee but stopped short. "We're out of coffee?" He voiced his confusion out loud.

I looked over the back of the couch at him. "Um...sorry," I apologized, scratching the back of my neck, "I really like coffee."

He chuckled. "It's fine, but that means I have to go to the store. Do you want to come?" He asked.

"Is that really a good idea?" I questioned. "People are already looking for me, what if someone recognizes me?"

"Don't worry. You'll be fine. I'll give you a disguise."

I looked at him questionably before sighing. "Fine. I'll go. But if someone catches me I'm making you come to jail with me." I joked.

He laughed. "And maybe when we are done with shopping we can go get that lunch you promised me.

"Okay." I said happily as I walked into my temporary room and shut the door behind me.

I quickly threw on some jeans and a t-shirt and my leather jacket.

"Ward?" I questioned as I stepped out of my room.

"I'm in here!" He yelled from inside his bedroom. "I'm getting your disguise."

I laughed as I heard something crash and a 'dang it' come from his room.

But not five seconds after that he was running out into the living room.

"Here is it!" He yelled as he held it out to me.

"Ward! How is that going to help?" I asked while laughing.

He shrugged and put on the glasses with a fake nose and mustache attached to them. "See!" He exclaimed. "I look like a completely different person now!"

I laughed so hard my stomach hurt. "Come on. Let's just go to the store."

We decided that we would just walk to the store, since it was only about five minutes away.
"Ok. First up on the list is coffee!" I exclaimed as we walked into the store  together.

He chuckled as he grabbed a cart. "Ok, but we also need a few other things, like food."

"Oh yeah."

He laughed at me and we continued to walk further into the store.

The trip took almost an hour. We didn't actually need much but we wasted a lot of time messing around.

I had probably never laughed so hard in my life. We were racing shopping carts down the empty isles, running through the racks of clothes, and even jousting with baguettes.

"Where do you want to eat lunch?" Ward asked as he scanned the items at the self check-out.

I shrugged. "I don't really care. Wherever you want."

"Do you like milkshakes?" He asked. 

"Is that even a question?" I joked

"Well then," he smiled while grabbing the last few grocery bags, "I know just where to go."

I love milkshakes! Anyone else?
Comment what you think! 💗

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