Ch 14. Hydra

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"WHAT!" I yelled when I finished reading the card. "WHAT THE HELL IS HYDRA AND WHY DO THEY WANT ME?" I was panicking. I was about to call the cops until I remembered what the card said, "We are watching you..."
So I didn't tell anyone not even Coulson. It was still early afternoon. I spent the whole day researching Hydra. I found close to nothing. The only thing that came up was some mythological creature. I found a picture of what looked like an octopus with a human head but that made no sense to me so I assumed it was nothing.

I looked up from my computer. It was 11' o'clock, one hour until the meeting. I got out of bed and put on my clothes. I decided on black leggings, a black T-shirt, my favorite black leather jacket, and my black lace up combat boots. I figured all black would be best for tonight. I looked at my phone it was 11:30. I walked outside onto the front porch. I was going to drive but Ward's house was close enough to the docks that I decided to walk. It was extremely dark. I only passed a few people and they barley even acknowledged that I was there.


It was exactly midnight. I was at the dock. I looked around but the only thing I saw were boats. There was not a person in sight. "Quake!" Someone says. I whip my head around and find a man standing there.

"Who are you?" I said trying to avoid the urge to attack him.

"Oh. I'm the one who sent you the flowers. My name is John Garrett."

"Where is Ward!" I yelled.

"Bring him out boys!" Garrett ordered. Then out of no where two men started to drag Ward towards us. It didn't looked like they hurt him to much but he still wasn't in good shape.

"Ward!" I yelled as tears filled my eyes.

"Skye." He said weakly.

"What do you want from me?" I yelled.

"We simply want you to join us. If we have Quake on our side then SHIELD doesn't stand a chance!" Garrett said. "If you come with us your boyfriend here will be unharmed."

"And what if I don't?" I asked and it obviously annoyed him.

"If you don't well then..." Garrett's voice trailed off then I heard a click. I looked over to Ward to see that one if the men had put a gun to Ward's head.

I felt the tears streaming down my cheeks. "Ok!" I screamed. "I'll do whatever you want just please don't hurt him."

Garrett walked up to me and put a hand on my cheek. "Love..." He said. "Is such a weakness."

Garrett was circling me now. "What do I have to do" I asked.

"Hydra needs your help to take down SHIELD." He said calmly.

"What is Shield?" I asked. I was talking to Garrett but I hadn't taken my eyes off Ward.

"SHIELD..." Garrett started "is a nasty group of people who believe in helping those with powers and such. We as Hydra believe that God gave us these inhumans to use as weapons."

"I still don't understand why you need me." I said confused.

"Because you are Quake. You are one of the most powerful inhumans to ever exist." Garrett explained. "With you helping Hydra we will be unstoppable and be able to destroy SHIELD once and for all."

Honestly Garrett was extremely easy to distract. I really hadn't listened to a word he had said. I was looking at Ward. Well to be more exact I was finding a way to get Ward. There were only two guards and Garrett, no one else. It kinda surprised me how few people Garrett brought knowing the damage I can do.

I waited until Garrett was done circling me. "...and that's how I found out about you." Garrett finished. I still didn't know what he was talking about but what I did know is that he was right in front of me. I put my hand up right in front of his chest and sent out a seismic wave. It knocked him back so far he was right next to the end of the dock. If I would have pushed him any harder he would have fallen off. As soon as I sent Garrett flying back I put both my hands out towards the guards holding Ward. I sent out a seismic wave that sent both those guards into the water.
I ran over to Ward, catching him before he falls. "Ward." I say as I'm holding him.

"Daisy." He said weakly.

"Don't worry I'll get you back to the hospital." I said trying to figure out the best way to get there.

"No Daisy" Ward said weakly. "There are more."

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused by what he said. Then I looked up and saw we were surrounded. Ward was right "there are more."


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